Chapter 8: Petit Chaton

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You woke up to something shuffling beside you. Opening your eyes slightly you saw a black suit. Opening them a little further you saw Chat Noir. His green eyes looked at you in interest, "Did I wake you?" he asked apologetically. Recalling what happened before you fell asleep on him you blushed "No but how long have you been here?" you asked a bit concerned, his miraculous could run out at any time. "And is your miraculous running out of time?" "How do you know about the miraculous?" he questioned you back. "I asked first!" you stated.
"I recharged it while you were asleep. Some cheese might be missing." he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. His kwami likes cheese?, You thought. "Alright now how do you know my miraculous is timed?" he asked turning to you. "I, um, follow my friend's blog about ladybug." you made up quickly thinking of Alya. He nodded. "Look you should get some sleep. I'll go. You have school." he said getting out of your bed and making his way towards your window. When he was out of the room and hanging outside your window you called out to him, "Wait! I want to tell you something." you walked over to the window. Leaning out the window you pecked him lightly on the cheek and leaned out further to whisper his his ear, "goodnight, mon petit chaton." Retracting back into your room you caught him blushing in the moon light, "goodnight Madame." With that said he flung himself onto your roof and ran off. Retreating to your bed you wrapped the covers around you and fell back asleep.

You woke a second time to your alarm clock going off. Your hand wandered for a bit before hitting it repeatedly to stop the awful noise. It finally stopped the seventh time you hit the clock. Groaning you got up and wandered downstairs for breakfast. Your mom was already in the kitchen muttering things as she searched the fridge. "What are you looking for?" you asked. "I was going to make you a sandwich for your father's lunch but I can't find any cheese!" she said frustrated. He wasn't kidding, you thought. You just shrugged your shoulders and said, "A peanut butter and jelly sandwich would be fine." Deciding to eat some toast that morning you put some bread in the toaster and walked over to your mother in search of butter. After munching on your toast you head back up to your room to get dressed. Once you got into something comfy for the sudden chilly day you grabbed your bag and went back downstairs, "Bye! I'm walking to school!" "Have a good day sweetheart." your dad called and your mother returned, "We love you!"

During your walk you spotted a familiar blonde and ran up to him. Recognizing him as Adrien you ran up and wrapped your arms around him. His gasp signalled your surprise attack hug worked! "(y/n)? Is that you?", he asked as you still clung to him. "Yes~" you said slyly as you released him. He turned to see you grinning widely. Your smile flattered though when you saw how rosy red his face was. "Are you okay?" you ask, reaching out towards him. "Yeah, I'm fine." he says still beet read. Your hand grazed his cheek and then cupped it. As your hand moved up to his forehead to see his temperature he stammered out, "I was just embarrassed you scared me with your hug." To which you responded with a oh and pulled your hand away. You two continued your walk with a comfortable silence. It was sweet. After walking around for two blocks his hand snaked into yours. As your fingers intertwined you blushed.

When you did get to school Nino grinned wildly at Adrien, "Soo~ what cha' holdin' hands for~" he cooed. Adrien's hand suddenly retracted from yours and he began to turn red again, "N-nothing like that, I promise!" he said nervously. Feeling his face again you ask concerned, "Are you sure you're not sick?"
"Y-yeah I'm sure (y/n)." He said and you removed your hands from his face. "Actually (y/n) I'm not too sure," Nino said playfully eyeing him, "Why don't you take my spot next to him in class so you can make sure~" "Yeah that sounds good!" you reply gleefully. Adrien just stood there a little stunned Nino had pretty much just tricked you into sitting with him but he soon smiled at the thought of having you to himself for the little puzzle pieces of time in his schedule.

Authors note:
So so sorry i havent been updating as much as i should! Ive been caught up in exams and homework and then next week is an exams week! But with next week being a exam week i dont have much homework so i should find time to update more! If all goes according to plan i should have this fanfic running much smoother!

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