{Chapter Two~Please Come Back}

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(Pic of Joel above ⬆️ or on side➡️. Isn't he just the cutest!?)


I woke up not only to the sound of the alarm, but also the shouting of three kids seeking attention. Shouldn't it be a happy, relaxed day when it's my day off, not another stressful one? I got up, grumbly, and went to see what the little rascals were up to. I found out they were wide awake and kept talking about their toys while sitting on their beds. I wanted to keep them in cribs at first but apparently, werewolf pups grow faster than human kids and have no need for a crib as they can leave it easily.

I needed a bath anyway, so I decided to bathe them with me seeing as they are awake. The thing about kids is that they like to splash... a lot. So when you have three little kids and not just one, you get to shower with them, whether you like it or not.

I got their clothing ready and left them playing on the floor near their toys. I went into the bathroom to get the water ready and make sure the water isn't deep, about half of the tub. I went out to see my cuties playing with their toys and when they saw me. They waved their little hands with cute smiles plastered on their cute little faces that made me grin back at them as they said, "Hi daddy".

I took them into the bathroom with me as I told them it was time for a bath. Some people may think that kids with different genders shouldn't bathe together once they go past a certain age but they are too connected for them to be separated which is apparently a werewolf thing, according to what Katie told me. They seem to feel fine being naked with the many times they are seen naked while they transform so it's not a big deal for them like humans. Werewolves are much different as both females and males can be born alphas or omegas so they don't judge each other by gender only although Katie says that some werewolf packs are sexist although they're a very small number.

After removing their clothes, I help them get in as I place Joel the oldest in first then Jason next to him, and finally Julia. Joel had brown hair that was lighter than Derek's hair while the other two had blonde hair like me, and they all had my blue eyes except both Julia and Joel's eyes were a darker shade.

As I predicted, they splashed each other and me the entire time, with big fits of giggles coming from all of us. Instead of the bath taking thirty minutes, it took more an hour. I dressed Joel in a blue onesie with a teddy bear on it, Jason in a red onesie with a basketball, and Julia in her favorite, a purple onesie with a flower on it. I brought the giggling trio outside to the living room and they ran to their toys. Then decided to make them breakfast before they got cranky.

I was making breakfast when I heard the phone ring. Thinking it was Katie, I hurried and picked up.


"Leo, is that you?" My breath caught in my throat at the sound of his voice. It was my dad, the same man that kicked me out of the house and disowned me. I made the mistake of picking up before checking the number on the phone.

"What do you want!?" My voice was so cold and emotionless that even I didn't recognize myself. But you couldn't blame me for never wanting to hear that man's voice again.

"I'm sorry. Please, son, forgive me, I beg you. Forgive me." His voice trembled and I wouldn't have been sure it was the same man if he wasn't speaking with my father's voice.

"I know I was wrong, and I realized it too late. You were already gone, and we couldn't reach you." He sounded like he was about to cry. But why!? Was it some kind of trick, or did he really mean it?

Katie said I'd have to face this but my anger was just too much after all these years.

"As if I care, old man! Don't call this number again, because your son died long ago, the moment you threw him out!!!"

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