{Chapter Three~Back Home}

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(Pic of Jason above ⬆️ or on side ➡️)


I looked at my friend and realized something. I'm ready. I'm ready to finally face my past and try to put back together what I can. I will never be with that bastard again, but I can fix my relationship with my parents, and maybe they'll be better people for my children. Along the way, I'll find out what they hid from me and why my parents who loved me so much would ever act in such a way on that day. We'll finally be a family, and I love that thought. They're my parents after all so, I should at least give them a chance. I just hope that I'm making the right choice, not just for me, but also for my kids.

"Yeah. I am ready. I want to face my past and fix it," I said. The determination in my voice is to conquer the next big step in my life.

"I'm happy for you Leo, but also sad that I won't be able to see these three little guys everyday like I used to." She said, looking at me with sad eyes and an exaggerated pout.

"Shut up and let's go check if the truck is here," I laughed at her antics.

"Okay, fine."

We checked outside the window and saw the small truck parked in front of my apartment building. I didn't have much to begin with, so I only needed a small truck to move my things. Katie was the one to suggest the movers the last time I had to get stuff for my kids so I kept their information since then. They didn't charge a lot, which was perfect for me. I ran downstairs, leaving the kids with Katie, to talk with the movers about what to take. I led them to my apartment and they started bringing all the stuff to the truck. I told Katie to look after the kids while I took bags downstairs to the car, and told the driver to wait for the movers to finish. When I was done I went back upstairs and stayed with the kids until the apartment was empty.

I took the car seats for the kids downstairs and the driver helped me put them in the car. After I was done, I grabbed Joel and Julia while Katie carried Jason. We went outside and Katie locked the apartment, then we went downstairs to deliver the keys to the landlord. I said goodbye and went to the car to put each kid in their car seats which were by color; Joel is blue, Jason is red and Julia is purple. I sat in the front and told the driver to just follow the address I gave him as I already told him that we were traveling for a bit of a distance before and he knew where to go. We were on our way to my old home which I thought I would never return to. It was only a few hours away so it's not that far considering that we were a bit slow with the movers behind us so we couldn't lose them.


We were an hour away from our destination, and my cuties were taking a nap. My hands were sweating and I was nervous thinking about going back there. I tried to stop thinking about it and decided to look outside my window. I wish I hadn't, because I saw the one place that I hated with a passion. His house. I didn't want to be reminded of him, but after seeing his house, I couldn't stop thinking about him. The more I thought of him, the more I hated him.

I focused on the road in front of me and all the beautiful trees. After a while my baby Julia woke up and started whining about being hungry. I looked back and smiled to reassure her, then handed her her cat doll before fetching her cookies from the bag and giving her one by one. She started to eat and then her brothers woke up so I gave them their teddy bears, one with a blue ribbon for Joel and a red ribbon for Jason. They were playing with their toys and I looked back at them every few minutes.

When we finally arrived at the house, I got out and went to the door to knock it. Then helped the kids out of the car. My father opened the door of the house and my mother behind him was unable to contain her happiness.

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