{Chapter Four~The Bastard}

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(Pic of Julia above ⬆️ or on side ➡️)


Today my mother woke me up early with the excuse of us going shopping for the kids and me. Which I didn't want to do, but she forced me anyway. I was sitting at the table downstairs and eating breakfast with the kids when my dad came in dressed in a white shirt and black pants and sat at the table with us. Apparently, my mom called it a family shopping spree, so she wanted everyone to go including me, my father, and the kids.

Her plan is that I can hold Joel, she holds Julia so she can get her cute things to wear and my father holds Jason who took a liking to him. We finished breakfast and headed out to my dad's car which he had the car seats placed in. Good thing it's a big car that can hold seven people because we needed space for the car seats. We put two in the back, one in the middle with my mother and then me and father in the front seats.

The car ride was fun with all the chatting we did and the games my mother played with the kids that made them go into a fit of giggles. My kids were still not perfect at speaking completely perfect sentences but at least their sentences made some sense. I laughed and was thrilled at that moment knowing that we truly are a happy family. We arrived at the mall a while later and my mom got the kids out of their seats and handed each of us a kid like how it was supposed to be. I took Joel's hand and followed my parents into the mall. When we went in, I saw that there were lots of stores to choose from and I didn't know any of them. They seemed to have changed this place a lot in the time I wasn't here.

My mother was very excited because she would choose clothes for her grandchildren. We followed my mom into the first clothing store for kids, and I was surprised by all the clothes that can fit my babies. My mom took Julia and went to the girls' section to look for dresses and clothes that can fit her and she already knew that Julia loved the color purple. My dad and I went to look at the clothes for boys and my dad found red shirts, black or jean pants, and different types of shoes on the far left of where we were so he headed there.

It was just me and my cutie Joel. I looked over the clothes that were the color blue or even had blue in them because I knew they were the only ones he'd agree to wear. I was looking over the shirts section when I accidentally bumped into someone and luckily caught myself. I heard the person apologize and his voice sounded familiar. When I looked up to see who it is, I found my so-called best friend Caleb. The asshole that I hated the existence of because he knew about the entire plan that the Jocks made about me and didn't tell me about it even though he was considered my "best friend".

He didn't look surprised or shocked or anything; he just looked mesmerized for some reason.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked rudely because there's no way I will be friendly to this guy.

"No, of course not, it's just it felt like I got addicted to looking at you from the first look." Is this guy for real!!? He's trying to flirt with me when he's the same person who I trusted but betrayed me in the past. Then I realized that since the past I changed drastically. When I was in high school, I looked like a movie cliche nerd with big glasses and everything. But now I have my ears pierced and I don't have my glasses on so my ice-blue eyes are a lot brighter now. Or is it all just a trick? Well, there's only one way to find out.

"You're a player aren't you, bad boy?" I whispered as I saw Joel was too distracted by the many shirts on the side with his back facing us so I gave this guy a seductive smile to which he gulped and shifted uncomfortably. I looked down and saw that he has a small bulge, which meant he was hard. Well, that was easy. I thought it would be harder, but it's expected when I was doing stuff that needed this kind of skill for three years. Not really proud of that bit and I'm glad Joel is looking at the toys a little farther after he was done with shirts as I subtly glanced to check on him.

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