I'll Do It For You

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Today in therapy my therapist ask if i ever loved someone

My answer was yes

Depression that's what caused it I said he ended up committing it... Of course that therapist has no clue what it means so I just spelled....S-U-I-C-D-E...

I said yes I have fell in love with someone....You popped up in my head

I didn't say that you took me to bars or buy me cigarettes... You were 19 and I was 16 I lied and said 18 but soon enough you figured it out,

I just said it was a breakup old regular breakup that couples have,

I didn't say I cried every night ever since you suicide yourself

I didn't say that you took me drinking

I didn't say that you mattered anyway

I didn't say nothing matters anymore

But really....you mattered more than anything I ever loved...

Suicide [Quotes and Self-Harm]Where stories live. Discover now