State Finals Part 3

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Kate's POV
I rip the blind fold off knowing who is in front of me. It's Max! And suddenly the rest of the hockey team surrounds me.
"Kate we wanna thank you for being our captain and helping us get this far. We wanted to thank you so...." Max says while suddenly pulling an envelope from behind his back.
"This came in the mail to coach and he asked us to give it to you. The sender is The National Hockey League". Max said while handing me the letter.
"No way!!" I scream while fumbling to grab the letter from Max.
"Kate you deserve it. Now hurry up and open the damn thing!" Cam said while laughing
I turn the letter over and rip the seams open.
"Dear Kate Barns,
On behalf of the National Hockey League, we will be attending your MHSSA State Hockey Finals to watch you play. We have many teams interested in you! The NHL needs a player like you.
The NHL"
"HOLY SH*T GUYS! THEY ARE COMING TO WATCH ME" I screamed with tears in my eyes. Suddenly all of the other guys come and hug me and I can hear a couple sniffles coming from the guys ,which made me just cry even more. I ever thought this day would come.
"Well boys lets eat and get ready to play these nasty fermington hockey guys!" I said
We all eat our pasta and head to the team bus waiting out back and hop in to travel to our hockey rink in Troy. I hop off the bus with headphones in my ears and get into my "serious mode". We walk into our locker room and notice tons of streamers and balloons everywhere with the colors of red and white, our school colors, and Easton written all over the white board. We all take a moment to take everything in, but slowly sit down at our single lockers and get our warm up gear on. All of the boys and I head out and do a nice 2 mile jog around the ice rink.
"Hey Kate, fermington is here" jacob says while pointing to the big yellow bus with the words "Fermington High School" on it.
I get distracted and watch all of them hop off the bus and see their captain Luke Dylan hop off the bus and give me this wink, I ignore it and not let it get to me.
"C'mon guys, let's go in and get ready to skate" I say to al of the boys.
We all pile into the locker room and tie up our laces on our skates and put our padding on.
"Wait guys, as captain, I would really like to say something." I say shyly but it got everyone's attention.
"It has truly been an honor to play with you guys. We have created a family within all of us. I want everyone to go out a 110% today, but don't just play with your mind, but heart. I know we all really wanna crush fermington, but we need to concentrate on the bigger picture. We are not only representing Easton High, but also your family, friends, fellow students, but yourself, show them who we are as a team. We have a huge student section tonight, and so does fermington, but don't let that get to you. Just play the game we fell in love with as a child. All right Easton! Let's go crush some Fermington ass!!!" I say slowly with a low and serious tone but things started to heat up.
The locker room erupts with cheers and hollers. I grab my helmet and stick and hold open the door while giving my teammates fist bumps. I'm the last one to walk out and I run onto the ice for the last time as an Easton Tiger. I might only be a junior, but if these NHL scouts like me, then who knows. I run over to the bench and grab a water sip real quick and start to head into warmups. I look over at fermington and notice Luke looking right at me with his all black uniform trying to intimidate me, when suddenly captains are called in by the refs. I whip off my helmet and take out my mouth guard.
"Hello captains please shake hands" the one ref says.
I shake Luke's hand and look him straight into his eyes.
"Alright folks you know the drill, play safe and have fun. Let the best team with this MHSSA Division 1 hockey championship" the ref says while blowing his whistle.
I head back to my bench were all of the players are seated and get ready to start the game.
"Alright boys, and Kate, let's get this game going. Cam and Jacob will start on defense, Zack in net, Kate in the center, and Max and Will as the wing players." Coach Chris explains to us.
Us six head to the net and take off our helmets and get ready for the national anthem. We line up along the line and wait for he national anthem to be over.
* after the national anthem*
I put my helmet on and put my mouth guard in and head in for the face off.
"Hey pretty girl, shouldn't you be on a girls team" Luke comments.
"No, but sure do belong on one." I angrily say
"Oh shut up pee wee" Luke retorts
"Whatever it takes for you to shut up" I say
The ref drops the puck and I win the face off.
* 1 minute into the 1st period*
It's 0-0, but we are on a power play. Max sauces me the puck, I skate down center ice, dangle some kids and it's just me and the goalie. I fake one way and shoot the other.
"KATE BARNS WITH THE OPENING GOAL AND MAKING IT 1-0!!!" The announcer screams.
I run into the glass by the student section and hug my teammates. The clock buzzes and that's the end of the first period. Ugh 2 more to go. We walk back into the locker room for a brief 3 minutes, Coach Chris just adjust some plays and we all to an Easton high huddle, and head back out onto the ice.
"So Kate we meet again, just because you have been winning these face offs doesn't mean you are better than me." Luke sassily says
"Whatever you say Luke." I say annoyed
The ref drops the puck and I win the face off again.
*5 minutes into the 2nd period*
I'm on the bench with 3rd line is out on the ice. Suddenly Luke skates down the ice and isn't stopped. I start to panic. Luke is one on one with Zack. I don't know if I can watch this. Luke shoots and scores. Suddenly my heart drops...
Coach puts first line back out. I look around and see everyone's heads down low and yell.
"Cmon guys! Look around, your family and student section believe in you and so do I! Don't give up yet!"

Ok I promise after this one it will be the final state final chapter. Maybe Kate will be recruited by one of the NHL scouts in the next chapter, or maybe she won't...

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