One: Stella

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Stella Morgan^^^^


"This is so exciting!" Sienna squeals as we look around the airport for our escorts.

The heartbreakers, our band, has been discovered by 5sos, the hottest band right now.

I nod and look over at Roslyn, and then over at Ciarra, who is holding her guitar case closely to her chest, bouncing up and down. "Look!" She points at a man with a mustache holding a sign saying 'the Heartbreakers'

We run across the floor to reach the man, who happened to be Ashton Irwin himself under cover.
"Holy shit its Ashton!" Roslyn exclaims.

"Hey!" He chuckles. "So glad you guys are here!"

Sienna nods. "Me fucking too. So much better than shit America."

He laughs, and gestures us to follow him. "You guys are funny."

He leads us too the parking lot, where a black limo was sitting.

He opens the door and we climb in, my eyes widening when I see who was in the limo.

Luke hemmings, in all his glory, was sitting with black sunglasses on his eyes.

He slowly removes the glasses as we climb into the limo, his eyes widening.

"Damn." Michael mutters when he sees us.

We take a seat across from them and just stare at their beauty.

"So." Calum clears his throat, ending the uncomfortable silence. "Let's introduce ourselves shall we?" He scratches the back of his neck. "Age? Instrument?"

They all look over at me. "Um well I'm Stella Morgan, I play the guitar, and I'm 18."

Sienna smiles at the boys sweetly. "I'm Sienna Grey, I play the drums, and I'm turning 19 in a month."

We all look at Ciarra, who just looks like she's in outer space as she gazes at calum. "Oh!" She giggles. "I'm Ciarra Green, I play the guitar, and I'm 18."

"And I'm the eldest!" Roslyn chuckles. "I'm Roslyn, I play bass and I'm 19."

They smile at all of us, and we finally reach the tourbus in front of the record company.

We step out with our luggage, and they direct us to the tourbus.

"Woah." Ciarra says in awe.

We set our luggage down in the main room of the bus, and walk towards the back of the bus where the bunks were. "This is amazing!" I exclaim and hop into a bunk.

The girls do the same, and we hear footsteps nearing us.

I peaked my head out and saw luke walking in towards us, looking over at me. "Umm. Hi?" I squeak out, still awed.

Ciarra smiles up at me, and then looks in the direction where I'm looking, and wiggles her eyebrows. "hi." Luke smiles at me,and notices the rest of the girls looking at him.

Sienna hops up from her bunk, and stands in front of Luke. "Any reason you're here? Where's the rest of the boys? Hm?"

He raises an eyebrow, but shrinks down. "Um in the main room and..well..I just came to let you know our next stop is Brisbane."

He runs a hand through his toddled blonde hair, and I swear I see Roslyn's eyes widen.

He's the definition of beautiful. Honestly. "So..." I roll my eyes, acting cool, but failing miserably when I try to get out of the bunk, but hit my head. "Dammit."

Luke chuckles.

Ciarra jumps down from her bunk and walks straight passed Luke, nudging her shoulder with his. "Where are you going?" I ask.

She turns around and shrugs. "No where."

Sienna rolls her eyes as she looks over at Roslyn. "She's doing something."

Roslyn nods her head.

I shake mine and look over at silent Luke. "Aren't your friends in there? " I point to the other room, trying to keep my face subtle from any emotion.

Clearly, he didn't try to ease his emotions as he smiles cutely. "Yeah. Come in. Join us."

I nod. "Yeah.sure."

Sienna walks into the room without another word, along with Roslyn trailing behind her.

I trail behind Luke as we all pile into the main room of the tourbus.

"So guys were leaving about now for Brisbane are you ready?" Michael yells exasperatedly.

"Yes!" We all yell, and the tour bus takes off slowly, as we near Brisbane.


"You're smile is.." I cut off, debating on an ending with that part of the song as I scribbled words onto the songbook that was resting on my lap.

"Can't you-" this time I didn't cut myself off.

"Hey, Stella." I hear a familiar voice say quietly behind me.

I turn around in and face the direction of the voice.

Luke's lanky frame stood in the doorway, his arm resting on the side of a bunk bed.

"Hi." I smile slightly "what's up? I thought you were with the guys?"

I'm confused as to why he was talking to me.

Ciarra, Sienna and Roslyn were all out somewhere with the boys, but I stayed behind for song writing time.

I thought Luke had gone with them, so I'm startled. What if he heard me singing random words in melodies.

His face flushes as he looks down. "Yeah um. Well I wanted to stay back. I'm not much of a bowler and I would've been the seventh wheel.." he sighs.

I look closely at him. "I could've gone. We could have been the seventh wheelers together." I smile.

He smiles back and walks over to me.

He sets himself down next to me on the couch, and looks over at me. "So why didn't you go?"

I shrug, and rest my back against the couch. "I guess I jus wanted alone time. I was starting to write a new song for our band."

He nods in understanding. "I get it. I do that all the time."

I nod. "So why'd-" I was cut off by Sienna's loud voice. "you looked hilarious!" She laughs at Ashton, who is hiding his face in his hands.

Ciarra laughs loudly. "You looked like you were dying."

Ashton sighs, a smile plastered on his lips. "I wanted to win..."

Calum walks back to where we were, and sits next to me. "Hey guys, missed you at the bowling alley."

I roll my eyes, but look down. "I don't know how to bowl."

Calum and Luke looked at me weirdly, and I shrug. "I'm sorry?"

They chuckle, and Luke smiles. "Stel, remind me to teach you sometime."

Awed by his sudden interest to hang out with me, I smile happily. "Yeah sure."

He nods, and every one piles into the room, happily talking about their nigh out while Luke and I listened quietly to their rants.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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