Devil and Angel

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-Hannah's POV-

I went to the floor Andy was on, seeing Juliet there I avoided eye contact and when I heard the nurse say, "Andrew Biersack." I jumped up before Juliet even did. I was led to Andy's room. I walked in and heard the heart monitor beeping. I dropped my bag and felt myself shoved slightly as Juliet glared at me I ignored her.

I sat down and heard Juliet say. "So your the one who he got pregnant and has been a wreak ever since?" I nodded yes. She sighed, looking down. "Do you know why he tried to kill himself..." I asked she shrugged. "He just came downstairs and got vodka went upstairs and came back drunk and just chilled out on the couch after I smacked him and bam overdose." She said sadly. I knew she faking all of this sadness. "You can go home if you want Juliet." I said politely. She smiled. "Really you'll watch him?!" She got excited when I nodded yes. She got up leaving.

I moved by Andy's side and held his hand watching his chest rise and fall. He was so pale and looked exhausted, I felt overwhelmed with so many emotions. Hatred for letting him leave, pain seeing him like this, and depression because of my heart shattering piece by piece.

I decided to tell him part of his story he has about us being in a world of darkness but stuck between a wall. "The devil and dark angel were stuck in a world of darkness but needed each other..the thing is that they couldn't stand each other, a wall blocked them from seeing each other. So the devil found his way over to the dark angels side and made the darkness fade away. The angel remembered it was her savior, the angel felt itself falling for the devil again, but the devil was with a snake, so the angel didn't show her true feelings toward the devil. So then one evening the devil had to leave his visit with the Angel going back to his snake. Once the devil got home his darkness took control and he ended up almost dying and now his angel is by his side trying to see if he can survive. His angel is hoping he does because without the angels savior there would be not angel." I spoke telling him my side did the story.

I knew he couldn't say anything or do anything but I decided too. I curled up beside him in his bed and laid beside him and stroked his hair softly. "Andrew please wake up..." I spoke quietly. I kissed his head and wrapped my arms around him, I heard his heart monitor slightly speed up but then go back down too normal.

I got up seeing his mother Amy walk in and she looked at me worried. "Oh my God.. Is he okay?" She asked "yeah I believe so Amy." I said sweetly. "Who are you by the way?" She asked. "Oh I'm Hannah I was proposed to and then Andy found out that I was pregnant and then he left me, I'm that girl." I said sadly. Amy's eyes saddened and then all of a sudden she went and hugged me. I hugged back sobbing into her shoulder. "I just don't understand..why he would do this." I sobbed. Amy rubbed my back and shrugged "Who knows..he's always has had a depressing side." She spoke sadly.

After that visit I was left alone in the hospital room with Andy. I was still watching his heart monitor as I became tired and went and curled up next to him. I soon fell asleep and scared of hurting him. I woke up to him coughing I looked at him seeing his eyes opened and his skin normal again. I gasped and hugged him feeling him hug me with one arm. I kissed him softly and whispered. "I have my savior now..." He shook his head no and said, "I'm still a devil." I hugged him softly as we both cuddled. We both fell asleep.


As soon as I woke up with Andy I told a nurse, he was being released later on in the afternoon. Andy was staying with me no matter what and he already dumped Juliet and now was living on his own. But he just wanted to spend a few nights over at mine and (Sunshine) Alex's place. He had already called Ashley and told him to bring over Crow and DareDevil to my place.

I now knew exactly how he felt when I tried to kill myself. He needed his angel and I needed my savior. I picked up my bag walking out into the hallway. Alex had already known our plan and agreed, I saw Alex in the waiting room and I walked up too her giving her a signal that it was time to go. She got up quickly I knew she hated hospitals and was ready too leave.

Me and Andy and Alex walked to the elevator going to the first floor and walking out too the car. Alex drove home and I got out as soon as we arrived I jumped into the house with Andy and Alex behind me, I was suddenly approached by my lil puppy DareDevil. "Oh my goodness!" I said picking him up, I mean he was on top of the couch with Crow and Sapphire. I petted the lil pup and got many kisses from him. I put DareDevil down and was approached by Crow. He started sucking on my finger like you would a nipple on a bottle. Andy's face was surprised, "He only does that with me!" He exclaimed. I giggled as Crow stopped.

Andy's health was back to normal before we ever left so he could practically do what he was doing before the accident.

-hours later-

The time was around 8:00 PM Andy was in the shower and I was sitting in the kitchen with Alex making food, really I just needed to entertain myself while I waited for the shower. I suddenly heard the bathroom open and Andy walked out pulling his shirt over his head. I got up grabbing my things and going and taking my shower. I stepped out of the bathroom feeling refreshed, I walked into the kitchen and yawned.

I saw Alex was done cooking and she got her plate. I went and got whatever she cooked and sat back down seeing Andy get up after putting his phone down and grabbed some food. Alex had cooked mac and cheese and had tossed some salad together. I just grabbed salad considering I just love it!

After dinner and helping Alex wash dishes I walked into my bedroom and curled up falling asleep before Alex and Andy ever did.

-Andy's POV-

After dinner I watched Hannah walk to her bedroom I didn't mind. I was just on my phone and noticed Alex went too bed about three hours after Hannah did. I looked at the time, 11:30 PM. I got up turning my iPhone off. Not shutting it down but off. I went into Hannah's bedroom and curled up next to her cuddling her sleeping figure. I soon passed out.

Can't wait for this next chapter I'm posting!
Gonna be writing/typing it!

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