Chapter five

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Third person P.O.V


"Haruhi Fujioka?"

"M-hmm, she's my cousin. Though we only met yesterday and I was sleeping because of the long plane ride. Have you been on a plane before?" Mason was finally fully waking up and all his energy was surfacing for the day. He kicked his feet back and forth as he sat.

"Yes, I have." Yuzuru (that's tamakis dad's name) managed to say before Faye burst into the room, eyes frantic until they fell onto Masons smiling face. Taking a deep breath to calm herself she walked up to Mason and crouched down next to him.

"Mason you aren't supposed to be in here I told you to sit in the lobby while I did the paper work." She spoke calmly to her brother which made Yuzuru smile. He cleared his throat and Faye looked up at him a little startled. She had been so focused on Mason she had barely noticed the other person in the room.

"Oh, I am so sorry that he was bothering you he just doesn't really listen that well. I mean not that he's bad at following directions he just doesn't listen to me all the time." She was talking a mile a minute, so fast that the old principle had to raise his hand to get her to stop.

"He was no trouble at all, he even brightened my day a little. I hear you two are going to be joining our prestigious academy."

Faye's hot face cooled down some and she nodded her head to answer the man.

He smiled before speaking, "well that's wonderful I'm the principal of this school Mr. Suoh." the phone rang then and he answered it saying a quick "hold on" to the person on the other end.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to cut the conversation short I have work to do. If you have all your paperwork done the secretary can give you the entrance exams so place you in your classes. After that feel free too look around the school and wander"

With a small wave to Mason as they walked out the door he went back to his phone call.

Faye closed the door behind her and went to get the finished paperwork from the coffee table, dragging Mason with her. After turning it in and getting the entrance exams, which they both finished in a fair amount of time only struggling with a few questions, they roamed the halls.

They looked in on a few classes and ran through the courtyard admiring the statues and plants. Faye couldn't believe the size of the library, squealing with joy at all the books to read. After sometime the last bell chimed and students started to leave. The two siblings went to look for their cousin. They found her walking down the hallway away from the doors going home and they ran to catch up.

"Haruhi," Faye said as she started walking in step with her, "Where are you going?"

Haruhi glanced at her looking a little nervous. "I have my club after school today, but if you guys wanna go home I can draw you a map on how to get back."

"No that's fine I think going to a club would be fun." Faye said, excited to see what kind of club it was.

"I was afraid you'd say that." Haruhi sped up her pace and a few minutes later they where outside two very large doors.

"Okay Faye, do you remember the guys I was telling you about this morning?"

She nodded.

"Well they'll be there with me and are probably waiting for you to come in at any moment, now these guys are unpredictable and all I can tell you is to be prepared for anything okay?"

She nodded again, a little alarmed.

Haruhi turned the handle and pushed open the door. A blinding light hit them followed by red rose petals. Faye's eyes opened wide as six boys were revealed all placed accordingly next to each other.

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