Chapter three

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Faye's P.O.V.


"Faye how much longer?" Mason had woken up for the third time and this time I knew he wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon.

As for me, I was tired and still a little overwhelmed with the whole situation. Sighing I leaned back in my seat and checked my watch. "We still have two and a half hours Mason." Mason groaned and let his head fall back onto the cushioned headrest.

We sat in silence, both of us letting our thoughts consume us. It had been half a month since I was told we were going to Japan. That day I got all the books and DVDs I could on how to learn japanese. We both caught on quick and now we can have small conversations until we have to look back at the book. I was amazed at Mason's aptitude for studying . I knew he was a smart for a seven year old, but I wasn't expecting how easy it seemed to him.

I thought about what our new home would be like. I wondered what our uncle was like and if he would be a good guardian and if our cousin was nice or not. I wondered about school and quickly just decided we would go to the same school Haruhi went to. I felt a little nervous about how I was pronouncing her name, but decided that she could just correct me.

I put my headphones in and switched on some music. I relaxed my body and turned my thoughts down. After a few minutes I was slowly falling into a very loud dream.


Haruhi's P.O.V.

I stood next to my dad, holding up a sign for my new cousins. Dad was smoothing out his pencil skirt and fixing his hair. I checked my watch and made sure we weren't early. We weren't and by now the plane should've landed. "What do you think they'll be like Haruhi?" I hesitated for a second. I had no idea what they would be like, heck I barley remembered ever having cousins. Faye and I have only met the one time. I didn't even know if I was saying her name right.

"Haruhi, you ok?"

I looked up at my dad and gave a small smile, I didn't want him to think I didn't want them to come. "Yea I'm fine dad, just a bit nervous." Dad brushed my hair back and smiled down at me. I felt better then and looked back at the gate where the passengers where leaving out of. I watched the business men and women leave and then families back from vacation walked out and got their bags. It seemed like a lifetime before two people walked out with their carryon bags over their shoulders, looking very tired. The girl looked around before she spotted us and pulled the half asleep child by the hand. She had very thick looking curly hair that was chestnut color, her skin was on the verge of being tan. She was also tall for fifteen but not nearly the size of Mori-Sempai of course.

The boy was small for a seven year old and his hair color was darker then his sisters. He walked sluggishly and almost tripped. Only to be caught by an unsurprised older sister.

She carried him the rest of the way.

They met with the siblings half way and exchanged hello's and introductions before going to get the rest of their bags. Dad called a cab and we waited on one of the benches outside of the airport. Faye held a sleeping Mason in her lap, on the verge of falling asleep herself.

"Don't travel much do you?" She looked at me in concentration for a second. I guessed she was remembering on how to answer.

"No, not at all really. Dad liked to keep us close to home." Her voice was soft and she rested her head on her brothers, looking at me.

I nodded my head and looked out at the darkening sky. I was about to ask another question when she spoke.

"What school do you go to?"

I looked at her and she had a blank face so I looked back at the sky. "I go to Ouran Academy. It's a school for rich brats that have nothing better to do." I let my annoyance slip out and I could see her small smile from out of the corner of my eye.

"Does it have an elementary and middle school?' I nodded without looking at her, "then that's where we'll be going then." I snapped my head over to look at her still blank face. "You realize the school tuition in expensive right? I'm only there because I have a scholar ship."

"I figured it was expensive, but don't worry I have the tuition covered."

I was about to ask how when the cab pulled up and dad ushered everyone in while the cab driver put the bags in the trunk.

The ride home was silent and when we got back we got the bags and everyone inside. Dad took Mason from Faye and put him in his room. I showed Faye my room and as soon as she saw my bed she fell onto it fully clothed and fell asleep.

I smiled and headed back towards the kitchen. I got a glass of water and sat down at the table. The kitchen clock said it was five past ten. I knew there was school tomorrow and all I could think about where six people I knew had already planned to get involved.

I put my head on the table and closed my eyes. The next thing I knew I was dreaming.

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