Prologue Part I | Chance Encounter

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Marinette's signature stupid grin split across her face as she conversed with her friend about Adrien.
"You saw his latest photo shoot, Alya, and did you see his hair?", the girl enthused on, gushing wildly all the while, "and his smile was breathtaking, wasn't it?"
Marinette paused, glancing with a slight frown toward her best friend.
"Hello? Earth to Alya..?"
Alya blinked, her gaze snapping up from her phone.
"Sorry girl, I was updating the LadyBlog about the last battle in Paris. Ladybug was killer!" She exclaimed, throwing up her hand in a familiar peace sign. Marinette laughed awkwardly.
"Y-Yeah.. She was okay."


Chat Noir skidded across the rooftops of Paris, scanning the horizon for any threatening Akuma attacks. Seeing nothing, he let out a sigh, and shifted into a crouch atop a chimney. Ladybug was supposed to meet me here ten minutes ago, he thought. He had suggested after the fight earlier that day, (long story, some guy got upset because someone was stealing his artwork on Tumblr and calling it their own, he turned into The Eraser and wiped all digital art out of existence) that they go on their patrol a bit early, seeing as it was forecasted to rain later in the evening. But she was nowhere in sight.
His ears rustled at hearing a familiar voice below. Ladybug?, he thought, jumping from his position to the street directly below him.
"Ladybug! Next time, don't leave me hanging by just a claw--.." He paused, his green eyes raking over the girl in front of him, realizing that she was not Ladybug- in fact, she was quite the opposite; his often ditsy and skittish classmate, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

"L-L-L-Ladybug?!? I-I'm not Ladybug! Who's Ladybug?" Marinette quickly stuttered out, shaking her hands in front of her. Oh shit. How could he know..? Had he watched her detransform? Was Tikki too visible?
Marinette continued to flail about while Chat Noir delivered his apology.

"..Ah, I'm paw-sitively sorry Princess, you sounded quite a bit like my parter," he purred out, bowing in front of her as he attempted to place a kiss on the back of her hand.

Marinette blinked, stopping in her tracks. Phew. Close one, she thought, and breathed a sigh of relief. Returning quickly to her normal self, she pulled her hand out of Chat's grasp before he could plant a kiss on it. God, she was lucky Alya had homework to do and Tikki fluttered out of sight before he could see.
"Aw, no need to be so catty," he mumbled, stepping back from the girl.
She scowled, holding her hand close to her chest. "Enough with those stupid puns, Chat. What do you want?"
The cat smiled his same, shit-eating smile and ran a hair through his hair.
"What, a cat can't visit his old pal?" He asked, raising his eyebrow as he placed a hand on the alley wall behind Marinette, leaning his weight on it.
The girl furrowed her eyebrows, ducking under Chat's arm.
"Pal..? You've got to be kidding me- the Evillustrator attack was months ago and we hardly even spoke!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms as she glared at him.
"Don't you mean, 'You've got to be kitten me', Princess?" Chat purred, twirling his baton in one hand as he smirked proudly.

As she lectured him about the dangers using such ridiculous puns could put him in, he smiled to himself.
This wasn't so bad.
Perhaps the patrol could wait for a bit.

He cut the girl off.
"Hey, how's about I walk you home? It's dangerous for a girl to stroll alone, given its almost evening."
She was reluctant, but after some "charming" convincing, she gave in.
"I guess.. Just don't think you can come into my house and act all chummy with my parents."

righty ho! this is my first time writing a proper fanfiction- i don't know if it's too rushed already or if it's okay but ?? i think it's ok so far lmao
til next time~!}

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