{[~Part II: Um, What the Fuck?~]}

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{~*====Marinette's P.O.V====*~}

"Marinette, hi! Welcome back, let me take your coat for you (you must be so cold, I'll start a fire), remember to wipe your feet! I just have one quick question before we go upstairs.. Um, what the fuck?"

Sweat (or was it just rainwater?) dripped down my forehead as I stared at my best friend, my smile awkwardly hooked at the corners.

"..Histah sey..-- shit, uh, I mean, hey sistah!!1!1!1! I was just-..just.. walkin' back from the park where we hung out earlier.. U-um.. I.. Didn't know you were coming over for dinner today?" My painfully wide smile somehow widened as I spoke through gritted teeth, avoiding Alya's harsh gaze.

"Yeah.. Walking back.. Right. Did you happen to check your phone when you were walking back, alone, to your humble abode?" She asked, a hand placed on her hip as she peered at me through her glasses.

I laughed nervously, rolling up my sopping wet jacket sleeves. "N-No..." I muttered sheepishly, my gaze still turned toward the floor.

Suddenly, just as Alya opened her mouth to scold me for lying, two voices from the second floor called down to us.
"Marinette, is that you? Dinner is getting cold!"

"Yes, you wouldn't want to miss your fathers cooking, he made your favorite!"

It felt like a giant weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Thank god for my parents, otherwise I would have been dead on the floor right where I stand. I've learned to not lie to Alya.
I mean, besides the whole me being a superhero part, I never lie to her.

I lifted my gaze, tilted my head toward Alya in a sheepishly apologetic, yet at the same time shit-eating look, and sped upstairs. She followed behind me slowly, her arms crossed over her chest, sighing and shaking her head.

This was going to be a long, long dinner.

(yo lmao i just think this dinner would be Marinette's parents cooing over eachother and Alya glaring at Marinette the entire time so i just didn't feel like writing it)

My mom glanced back at me while she was clearing the table and smiled sweetly.
"Marinette, honey, why don't you take Alya upstairs and go change into some dryer clothes?"

I nodded, though my heart was saying "HELL NO".
"O-Okay.. Thanks for dinner dad, it was really good."
"Yeah, thanks Mr. Dupain-Cheng!" Alya chimed in, flashing a quick smile toward my parents before grabbing my hand a practically dragging me up the stairs.

When we reached the top of the steps, Alya threw open the hatch and dragged me in with her.

She let go of my arm and plopped down into my desk chair, rolling it around until it faced me perfectly.

"Okay, Marinette. No more games. I saw you with the superhero sidekick Chat Noir. Spill."

I blinked. Sidekick?

"Chat Noir isn't a sidekick, Alya.. And he was just walking me home! Crime has been really bad in the city lately, and it was getting dark.."
My voice trailed off, gradually getting quieter. I glanced up to look at Alya,
Alya sighed, her eyes lowering toward my level, glancing at me skeptically.
"Just, Marinette.. Please be careful. You always jump into liking someone before you even know them. All it took with Adrien was an umbrella and suddenly you're in love! Is.. Any of this getting through to you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Listen, I don't even like Chat Noir as a friend, let alone a romantic interest. He really just happened to drop by and talk to me."

"...Promise you're not hiding anything from me?"


hi guys
im sorry
a lot of shit has happened in my life
i really didn't feel up to updating
but, im getting back into the swing of things.
this chapter wasnt really my greatest as it is nearly 2 am as im writing this and i had a sudden surge of motivation
but thank you guys for getting this up to 7k when I was gone! i really appreciate it, it made me smile and I really needed that.
thank you guys for leaving such nice comments as well, when I read them during some shitty times, they made me laugh and smile.
til next time~!}

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