Chapter 5

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-Nick’s POV-

 As Jen’s lips drew closer to mine I could feel the heat of her breath on my face, everything it touched seemed to come alive and scream with anticipation. This was really going to happen, the girl, no, the WOMAN I had been crushing on forever was about to willingly kiss me. This had to be fate right? In my mind I know this is wrong, I have a girlfriend, a girlfriend that trusts me to be faithful…a trust I have already broken. My heart however is not with my girlfriend…it has belonged to Jen for quite some time. Who was I to question fate? I am a big believer in what is ‘meant to be’, so I decided to follow my heart for once and tell my mind to fuck off. Just as I closed the distance between us, my lips mere centimeters from hers, we were greeted with a loud bang. Jen and I clacked foreheads as the G-wagon fish tailed from Joe jerking the wheel in shock.

“What the fuck was that?” I said rubbing my forehead and turning to Jen to make sure she was ok. “Are you alright?”

“Fine” she grumbled rubbing her forehead, I couldn’t tell what was irritating her more, the fact that we clacked heads or the fact that our kiss had been interrupted.

“I think we blew a tire” Joe said as he pulled off to the shoulder. Fantastic, we are in the middle of nowhere, we don’t have a spare tire, the next exit isn’t for fifteen miles and we are at least three miles from the blip on the map where we just bought gas…normally our problem would be crazed fans or paparazzi... but this situation had Deliverance written all over it.

“Do you know how to change a tire?” Molly questioned Joe as he came to a stop on the shoulder.

“We don’t have a spare” I spat “SOMEONE opted to install a sub-woofer for his music system in the cavity reserved for a spare.”  Molly punched Joe in the shoulder.

“OUCH” Joe said chuckling as he rubbed his abused arm. “Why did you hit me?”

“Because of you and your need for ‘super bass’ we are all going to die right here in the middle of nowhere.” Molly yelled crossing her arms across her chest.

“Ok, first of all, where the hell did you learn to punch…that hurt” Joe said still rubbing his arm…wimp. “Secondly, This vehicle needed a sub-woofer more than it needed a spare tire, let’s face it, I’m not usually out in the middle of nowhere…and don’t you think you are being just a bit dramatic? The exit is a few miles back…we can get a tire there…not to mention we have phones…we can call the gas station and have someone come help.”

I sat there for a moment in shock, I do believe Joseph had a moment of clarity…his words came out and they made sense…either that or I hit my head harder than I thought. I quickly pulled out my phone. Of course. “I don’t have a signal” I said throwing my phone into the floor in frustration.

“What?” Joe said in disbelief “We have fucking 4G service how do you not have service?” he said plucking his phone from his pocket only to toss it into the center console mirroring my frustration.

“I don’t have service either” Molly said checking her phone. I looked to Jen as our last ray of hope. She shrugged and gave a sheepish grin.

“My phone is dead and I forgot to pack my charger” she said her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I had planned to buy one at the next truck stop…it’s just a track phone so I can get a charger just about anywhere.”

“Great,” Molly said throwing her hands up in frustration.

“Hey,” I defended “Don’t give J a hard time…chances are even if her phone did work she wouldn’t have a signal either…we are apparently in a dead zone of some sort.” Jen shot me a smile which I returned and put an arm around her shoulders giving her a side hug.

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