Chapter 9

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-Molly’s POV-

We drove in silence…very awkward silence, everyone keeping their mouth shut in fear that it would cause another screaming match. My only saving grace was the knowledge that once we reached the hotel Joe and I would be sharing a room and we would finally get to have that kiss.

“Change of plans,” Jen announced as we pulled into the hotel parking lot “I’m sharing a room with Molls.” Fuck my life…Dammit Jen, I love you but you are seriously being a cock block. I looked back at Joe who seemed to be sharing my thoughts.

“Come on Jen,” I said hoping to change her mind “You and Nick should share…work things out.”

“We’re not gunna work this out tonight” Jen said unintentionally quoting a Jonas song causing Joe and I to both chuckle. Our found humor in the situation was not appreciated. “I’m staying with you.” She confirmed again.

“If that is what you want,” I said sadly.

“It is” she said opening the door and hopping out. Nick immediately hopped out and followed her attempting to talk to her as she walked toward the lobby entrance to check in.

“I have to see you tonight” Joe said as we waited in the car for them to return.

“I can sneak out after Jen goes to sleep” I suggested

“I can’t wait that long” he said seeming to speak the words on my mind. “Damn Nick and Jen and their shitty ass timing.”

I couldn’t help but giggle at Joe’s frustration. “We can always make up some excuse…” I suggested “Food run?”

“No, that won’t work, one of them would insist to go” he said making a very valid point “Ice! You are in desperate need of ice when you get to the room.”

Genius! That wouldn’t be hard to pull off, Jen was well aware that I was an ice whore…it fell right below air and shelter on my list of things needed to survive…and let’s be honest, I could go without shelter. I nodded in agreement as Jen and Nick made it back to the wagon, both of them silent and seeming irritated…awesome, exactly what I am looking for in a roommate.

-Joe’s POV-

Nick had barely set his bags down in the room before I grabbed for the ice bucket. “I’m going to go find the ice machine” I said sounding lightly overly excited about ice “Do you want me to raid a snack machine or anything while I’m out?”

“No, I’m good” he said laying back on one of the beds “How long will you be gone?”

 I cocked a brow, why would he need to know how long I was going to be gone…what was he planning to do in my absence? Scratch that…I did NOT want to know…what a guy does alone in a hotel room is his own damn business. “Im gunna walk around a bit, check out the pool scene, search for ice and snacks” I said rambling off a few random believable tasks I could be doing while away. Nick nodded not seeming too concerned with how I planned to occupy my time and I headed out the door.

-Nick’s POV-

As soon as Joe walked out the door I grabbed my cell phone to call Kat. No service…what the fuck AT&T…4G my ass. I tossed my phone onto the nightstand in frustration and picked up the land line next to the bed quickly dialing Kat’s number.

“Hello?” Kat’s voice rang out through the phone, her sounding confused clearly not recognizing the number.

“Hey, it’s me” I said fumbling through my satchel and grabbing my testing kit.

“Oh, Hey Baby” she said her voice inflecting with excitement “I didn’t recognize the number, how is your road trip going so far?”

“It’s ok” I said plugging a test strip into my PDM and pricking my finger “We blew a tire so we were stranded for a while but it’s all good”

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