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the night was cold, rain splattered down, the only sound was his soft footsteps on the hard concrete of the ground. darkness clung to him like black treacle, he shivered as a cold wind whistled through his thin rags on to his raw numb skin. he started to want to go back to the pub where he had made a deal with the owner that he could have a room if he worked behind the counter. now he was going to an abandoned barn to do a deal with some illegal achohol traders. all he had to do was go through the forest to the barn and do the deal, he thought for twenty quid it was an amazing deal. so he trudged on through the cold winter mud, following the dirt track he came to a body strung up, impaled on a tree branch, icy fear gripped him, his insides turned to lead. he turned to run to the police station when a fog rolled in he could only see a foot in front of him. suddenly as if possessed he turned and as if he was a puppet he went rigid facing the body. its hideous deformed face leered at him as fresh blood spurted from the rotting corpse, the tree branch protruding from its chest melted into the darkness and the corpse fell with a crunch onto the dead leaves around the tree. the body then got up.

he turned to run but the corpse grabbed him and dragged him back. he hit his head, his vision swam and he saw no more.

He awoke in a supermarket and was puzzled. The the loudspeakers said 'he watches' over and over louder and louder 'he watches' 'he watches' 'he watches' until it became so loud his head hurt, his mind wasn't thinking clearly, he staggered and fell as the noise of the words drilled into his mind. he screamed, a long drawn out wail of a dying creature. then the sound was too much he grabbed some bleach off the shelf and took a long swig he then vomited it up. over and over he did this until on the seventeenth time the acid burned his sarcophagus, his eye lids flickered and he fell with a dull thud onto the tiled floor.
The forest was still foggy, although the supermarket had been a dream his head still hurt and his throat still burned, he opened his eyes. the forest floor was twenty meters below him, out of his chest was a sharp tree branch stuck, drenched in blood. He saw him then, a tall man on the edge of the fog. as if he had been waiting for this he walked forward, easily eight or nine foot tall with a blank white face,
the slender man looked at his prey, cruel mirthless laughter echoed far off from the forest, then tentacles exploded from his back and extended towards the struggling man, they wrapped around his neck and face. squeezing tighter and tighter until with a hoarse scream his vision faded into nothing but an eternal dark engraved with the image of the last thing he saw.

the slender man


Yassss boo

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