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I walked in the kitchen to set up dinner. "GOT THEM!" Mark ran out with a few movies. They were The Ring, and The grudge collection. Ugg why do i even have this collection i hate these movies. Its for Mark. "Cool just set them on the coffee table. Here will you take these plates there too?" "Of course." "Ill be right back." I walked to the hall closet and grabbed some blankets. "Here take this." I tossed him a blanket. Of course he misses and lands on the t.v. "good job." I laughed. He puts in the grudge and we eat.

We finished right when the part when the girl crawls down the stairs. I flinch alittle when she made that sound. "Ill... Ill clean up real quick. Just sit here and enjoy." "Ok" i went to the kitchen and put the food away. I glanced out to see what was going on. The little boy pounced out of the bloody tub causing me to jump. I go to my room to get in something more comfortable. I walk back out to see Mark pouring two glasses of wine. "Here! This is a thanks to you." "Thanks." I took the glass and sipped. "Grape juice?" "Yeah... My doctor said im not allowed to drink so my friends just drank what i had left and i replaced it with non alcoholic grape juice." I smiled at his blushing face.

After an hour in i was freaking out. I would hide in my blanket everytime there were silence or darkness. Mark must have noticed because he scooted closer and held me in his blanket. His body heat was perfect. His heart beat calmed each nerve. "Mark? How are you feeling? I remembered you were a little sick last time." He looked at me smiling. "With you i always feel better." I blushed. He didnt see though since it was dark. "Well what about your eye? How did that even happen anyways?" He chuckled. "Well i noticed the time so i was gonna tell you i had to go but my clumsy big feet tripped around breaking my glasses. But dont worry like you obviously see, i had an extra pair lying around, and i cleaned it alittle so its much smaller like paper cut sized." "Thats good." I yawned. I lay my head back on his chest. Listening to his heart beat, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Alright well there you have it a lovey dovey moment with markimoo! I hope you guys like this so far any sugesstions? I only have a couple more ideas for the next 3 chapters but other then that im stumped. So if you have an idea of what i should do let me know! Dont be afraid to say anything. I dont judge i swear. Ill write one or two more chapters cuz i got no life XD thanks guys bue-byeee!!!

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