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Your p.o.v

I wake up in Mark's arms... On my bed... I slowly look up to see kitty sleeping on the side of his head. I smiled. Slowly i unwrapped from his arms and sat up. I look over to Mark. My lips then had a weird tingly feeling. I rubbed my lips and left.

Mark's p.o.v

I wake up to a soft purring sound. (Y/n) wasnt in bed anymore. I frowned. I wonder if she remembers anything.. I walk out to find her eating watching some weird wizard anime. "Hey (y/n). How are you feeling?" "Im fine why?" She turned around her eyes widened. "Jesus Mark is there a day when you don't have any new scratches?" "(Y/n), do... Do you remember what happened last night?" She thought for a second. I then saw fear in her eyes. She shrugged like nothing happened. "(Y/n), sit down please?" "Ok?" I sat next to her on the couch. "Last night i woke up hearing you gasping for air. You fell off the couch screaming and crying in terror. So i picked you up and you clawed my neck alittle. But that isnt important. I was panicking trying to find a way to calm you down. The only thing i could thibk of was..." I looked into her beautiful (e/c) eyes. "Well? What did you do?" "Well i... Sorta... Kissed you.. On the lips... It calmed you down to the point when you were only breathing heavy..." She looked down amd touched her lips. She then hugged me. "Thank you Mark." She whispered. I felt a littlr wet spot on my chest. "Hey now its ok dont cry. Your ok now." We sat there in each others arms.

My phone buzzed so i checked it. It was Jack.

J: hey Mark! Where are you? Im about to come over!

Mk: oh fuck i forgot about today sorry jack i was at my neighbors. Ill be home in a sec just head over k?

J: ok see you in a sec

"I have to go. I promised a friend ill hang out with him today. If you remember anything at all from last night call me ok?" "Ok see you later."

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