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Taehyung wasn't really convinced. He looked the boy up and down. This boy who 'claimed he was straighter than a steel pole' was wearing a black leather jacket, tight colourful skinny jeans, and a designer scarf around his neck.

He'd known him for a while now and also realised that whenever a girl group dance came on, he never let a chance like that slip away and got up and danced. What kind of straight person knows every move to a girl group dance?

And if that wasn't enough, Taehyung thought back to all the times he's give him and his friends skinship, not to mention walking in on him sleeping next to practically everyone.

Taehyung shook his head and closed his eyes.

He let out a long sigh and pinned Hoseok closer to the wall, leaning forward to whisper in his ear.

"So your telling me... That you... Jung Hoseok... is completely and utterly straight?"

Hoseok bit his lip and closed his eyes. He nodded his head and opened one eye to see what Taehyung was going to do. Sweat was dripping from his forehead because he was not expecting this at all; the other boys only nipped out for some takeaway and now he was stuck awkwardly with Taehyung awfully close and questioning his sexuality.

Taehyung smirked and looked Hoseok up and now again.

"Yeah...well... We'll see about that."

Taehyung gave Hoseok no warning and leaned forward to kiss him on the neck. His kisses became more rough and most probably left a mark on his neck now.

Hoseok let out a small moan and started panting heavily, he was struggling to say something.

"Tae...wait..." he said biting his lip to prevent any unneeded sounds to pop out. Taehyung didn't stop and held him close to the wall.

"But... I'm... Not gay..." Hoseok finally broke out in slow gasps.

Taehyung couldn't stop though, because he was determined to make his lover fall for him, even if he had to change ones sexual preferences.


But, we're getting ahead of ourselves...

Meet Hoseok. Hoseok is just a normal teenage boy, who does normal teenage boy things. Like go to school, listens to music, jacks off every now and then. Yknow. The norm.

Hoseok however, doesn't live with his parents, and instead lives in a dorm with five other sparkling teenage boys who also do teenage boy things.

His roommates consist of Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook.

Jin is the mum of the friendship group, he cooks, cleans and get the other kids ready for school, since he doesn't go anymore. He's oldest out of the group, only about two years from Hoseok, so not much of an age gap from them. Not to mention he's gay, he came out to Hoseok as soon as he moved in, he felt like he needed to get that out the way.

Namjoon. This guy is the mess up of the group. Literally anything he touches rather dies or breaks, and it's worse that I'm not over exaggeration even a little. The small dorm they share has had over fifty different goldfish before they sadly died because of Namjoon. That one time he was straightening his hair over the water and his hand slipped. The other time he dumped the water outside because he didn't know Jin got a new goldfish and didn't tell him. Oh god... And when the fish was left on the side in a bag of water and Namjoon only went and cooked him for lunch. Poor thing. Moving swiftly on, Namjoon is also gay. Hoseok just kinda guessed it since he's always trying to get in Jins pants, which usually works if Namjoon has been good and not broken anything.

Yoongi is lucky enough to be part of this wacky house hold too. Unfortunately he doesn't take it for granted and just decides to sleep, eat, and create more mess for Jin to clean up. He seriously doesn't give a shit which makes him cool and swaeggy; thus why nearly every boy in his school fawn over him constantly. He's what you'd call a fuck boy, but a fucking hot one too in which he usually gets away with it. Hoseok found out he was gay the hard way... multiple times. He firstly walked in on Yoongi leaning over sucking off Jimin and then he walked in on Jungkook bent over on his hands and knees with Yoongi with a bottle in his hand behind him.

Another colourful member is Jimin - and you guessed it - yup. He's gay too. Hoseok would say he's closest to Jimin and he told him a few days after he moved in, just before an awkward make out session Jimin started was put into place. Swiftly followed by Hoseok pestering Jimin that he's not gay. Anyways, Jimin is sweet, loving and handsome... and about as horny as a curious teen surrounded by dicks and va-jay-jays. He's also picked on alot by the youngest because of his height, but he soon shut up - or should I say got louder - when Jimin took him into his room and punished him.

And last but not least... Little Kookie. Definitely small in age, but not in sexual experience. He gets it from his hyung Yoongi because he thinks it's the right way, and Jin hits Yoongi for teaching him that stuff. The boy is currently single and found out he was gay when he tripped over a gay porn site and wet himself. This was stabled and confirmed after Yoongi and Jimin showed him how it's done. Hoseok was told by Jimin that Jungkook was gay, after explaining events that happened between them in vivid, unnecessary detail.

Hoseok really doesn't mind that his friends are gay, or else he would of left on the first day he moved in when Jin told him. No; it really didn't bother him. But sometimes he'd sit back and think what are the odds that all my friends are gay? But then pass it off and continue what he was doing.

Although you wouldn't have guessed this, Hoseok had never changed his perspective on girls since he moved in, he had always been straight the past year. Even after awkward moments when he witnessed his friends having sex right in front of him; not once.

That is, until he met Kim Taehyung.


Woooooh first chapter! I'm excited about this one 😁 pleaseeee vote and comment I wanna know whatcha tink. :)

Author out ✌

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