Chapter Two

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Mia didn't feel like sleeping, so she went out to gaze at the world outside. Some people were still working which meant it was okay for her to wander out.

She remembered the way her mom's curls fell into place, Mia had always wished that that feature was passed on to her. Her mom was a pretty positive person who was usually all smiles, her dad was kind of the opposite, he had zero patience and he was always frustrated about something or the other.

One thing her father was great at was cooking, but he ever hardly cooked something for Mia which kind of made her sad.

The sky above was just the same, every book of different centuries she read had always described the sky especially the night sky with the stars the same. Although the sun was a little different because it was closer to the Earth.

The thought that looking at the stars meant looking at the stars billion years ago amused her. The sad part was at this time while she was breathing, there was a huge possibility that some of the stars didn't exist anymore.

Looking ahead at the Earth and the sky felt very different, the sky was as beautiful as ever, but the Earth had become a wasteland with only some trees that God had probably spared. In all these years only once, the space caused disruption on the Earth when a meteor had struck the Earth, Mia remembered that because her great aunt had died because of that event. 

Mia when she was really young itself was termed as a child prodigy, it always perplexed her as to why people thought so but it was a known fact that she was intelligent compared to other students in her class. It had come to her almost naturally, answers would just pop into her head. 

Time can change everything, only years ago she was a happy person roaming on the Earth and now she was stuck, her mom was lost and Mason was wiped clean from the universe, tears started dropping  one by one across her red cheeks. 

She heard someone opening the door to the balcony she was sitting down on, she immediately stopped crying and she put up a dead expression. 

"Mia, haven't you slept yet?" It was her dad. It suprised her that her dad was in quite good mood and actually caring about whether she slept or no because after all, science was what he chose instead of anyone always. 

"No dad, I don't feel like sleeping," She shrugged. 

She touched her face and realised that it was evident that she was crying, even child prodigies can't hide their emotion, she thought and laughed inside. Her dad emerged saw her face and he looked sad. 

"Do you miss your mom?" He asked her hugging her. 

"More than anything in this world. It's easy for you because you've always loved your work and your work only," She mumbled without pausing between each word. 

"If I didn't love your mom. I would have never married her,"

Mia just nodded. She couldn't find words to reply to her father. 

"It's sad that you think like that. I've loved my work but I never realised that you feel like I don't love you guys more than my work. I really do, way more than I love science."

Her dad started to cry which made her cry too. She never expected to have such a conversation with her dad in the middle of the night. 

"I love you too dad," She said hoping to make him to stop crying. He was the only thing that she had in the world, she decided that she would keep her dad safe even if she died doing so. On the other end her dad thought the same. The only thing good about all this was she found her father. 

"Now come on dad. Your acting like a small girl fighting with her mom for candy," She said laughing. It made her dad laugh too. 

"Now go to sleep Mia." He gave her the strict look. 

She got up slowly and took the blanket and slept on the bare floor downstairs. Before sleeping, she smiled that was one thing she hardly ever did from the day she was born. Yes, she had laughed many times but smiling heart-fully that was really rare. 


A black dog, her striped red dress, a police hat on top of her head and her hands has a cover with uncooked red meat. The dog eyes the red meat. She realised her life is over. For some reason, she doesn't want to lose her life and neither the red meat.

The dog drools, it clenches it's strong muscles, she gets ready to run. The sleeves of her dress disappears, she freezes for thirty seconds, the longest thirty seconds of her life, the dog doesn't start the chase because it always waits for her to start her movement.

And then it begins, the endless chase, she runs, the dog runs, she runs faster, the dog runs faster. Then at some point the dog jumps and reaches her legs and bits off a part of it.


That was pretty much the only dream that she got every single day. No matter how much Mia tried to decode the dream, she couldn't. She woke up with sweat all around her body. She looked outside the window to see what time of the day it was. It was early in the morning. There was not much light but there was enough light to read something. 

She took a book she had already read and she re-read the parts she liked. This helped her to calm her nerves down. 

She kept the book down and she went into the loo to pee and wash her face. She felt really dirty. She felt the need to take a good shower but with the amount of water left, it was impossible to spend it on something that was so useless. 

When she came out, there was a lot of noise, a lot of noise. Either someone had found something or something terrible had happened. She rushed down to see what had happened with her fingers crossed. 

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