Chapter 10

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Alexandrew's POV

Owning a company that specializes in transporting for goods is one of the busiest category of businesses. In addition to that, I am still hands on with my business in the Philippines which is the chains of restaurant I have.

I am glad though that my dad found this employee who can help me manage things. I'm talking about my secretary who is Yedin Baek. She is young and she reminds me of my sister.

"Ms. Baek, please come to office."

"Yes, sir."

Yedin's POV

I'm working for a few weeks already and so far, I haven't received any major works yet.

His conditions were the following:

1) I'll be working past the working hours if needed (so far it just happened once)
2) I'll be helping him reviewing the files sent to him.
3) I'll meet with some of the investors or associates if he doesn't want to meet them or he is busy.
4) I must take down notes and catch anything important or necessary.
5) I'll have an additional pay if I am called for work very late at night.

Well, those conditions aren't final yet since he can add up something but he is nice and doesn't give me any hard time in work. I wonder how long will it last.

I better go to his office before I hear him shout my name.


"Ms. Baek, there is this company named Enchanted Scents Corporation. I don't know much about them and I would like you to have a deeper information. Give them to me as soon as possible. You may now go back to your office."

I reached for the files on his desk and proceeded back to my office. I've heard about this company before and they manufacture lotions, perfumes, and the likes. I can say that they are quite known since some of my officemates in Korea has one or two products from them.

After 2 hours of gathering information about the Enchanted Scents Corporation, I started sorting them out for easier reviewing and gave it to Mr. West. He doesn't like to be reading from scratch. He wants everything to be laid out and sorted but complete. Oh gosh. Thinking about it now, my work is harder than I thought.

"Mr. West? These are the informations you wanted me to get started with."

"They are a manufacturing company, I see. And they want to arrange a meeting with us. I'll let you have this one. You know what to do Ms. Baek."

"Yes, sir. Maybe I'll meet with them tomorrow. I glanced at my watch and it is already past 5 in the afternoon, which is past my working hours. "Is there anything else you wanted me to do, sir?"

"None. You have done everything for the day."

Thank heavens for this wonderful news.

"I'll be making my way out sir. Goodbye."

He nodded afterwards and went back in typing. He's really a busy man. I wonder if he has someone in his life right now. You know, someone who can keep him in track.

"Hello, mom? I'll be buying for our dinner. Don't bother cooking anymore." A happy day it is. After receiving my pay which includes some bonuses. It really calls for a celebration hahaha.

"Okay. Be safe going home. By the way, your brother is back in town."

"Can I have a word with him?"

"He's still tired Yedin. Talk with him when you get home."

I ended the call and made my way to the Korean Restaurant in downtown. I found this place few days ago while I was enjoying my day off.

A/N: I hope you like this chapter. I'll try to do my best to do a better one. Please don't forget to vote. Leave some comments if you like. 😃

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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