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After the Dark Ages and the rebellion against the Capital, district 13 was destroyed, along with the spirits to rebel. A new president rose from the ashes, President Python, a young man craving power. Aeneas Python was only 16 when he reign, at first Aeneas was only the President's right hand man during the rebellion at the time but after the war President Clove died of food poisoning. At first there was no leads on who could have poisoned President Clove, until Aeneas Python proclaimed it was a rebel from one of the districts, he also told the people of the Capital that he himself caught the rebel and killed him to avenge the Capital. Even though Aeneas Python was only 16, they made him president. He was mature for his age, showed leader qualities, he was also very smart and knew how to convince the capital to think or do anything. Aeneas Python was now in charge of the Capital and the remaining 12 districts. Not only were the 12 districts left starving, fending for themselves on making shelter and getting medical aid, President Python wanted to prevent another rebellion, so he came up with these torturing games, kidnapping random people from the 12 districts and torturing and humiliating them on live television, forcing us to watch the horror, to remind us who was in power. He persuaded the capital to believe that he was doing justice, 'avenging' the death of President Clove. At first President Python was only going to do this 'torturing games' for 12 years, representing the 12 districts who are at their mercy, but over the years the people of the Capital started to crave the blood and horror and thrived on the random torture games that was at first just meant to scare us, President Python never thought it'd end up being the Capital's entertainment, their sporting event. Over the years he put pieces together, setting up new rules, making a new tradition, setting up the new future of Panem, making the 12 districts hate each other by making some districts the Capital's favorite, having more advantage over the other. Now all he needed was the name, over the years President Python tried to find a fitting name for the event, than one came to mind and he finally came up with a name to put on the random torture games set in Panam, The Hunger Games.

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