Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter 35

Sophie's POV

I woke up with a excruciating pain in my stomach. I tried sitting up but it hurt. I don't want to wake Demi up because she has a concert tonight, but I need my meds. I sat up, ignoring the screams of pain my body was feeling.

I carefully got out of bed and grabbed my crutches and hopped over to the kitchen. I went to the counter and took two pills and swallowed them.

"Why didn't you wake me? You need to rest baby." Demi said walking into the room.

"I didn't wanna wake you. You have a concert tonight Dems. Go to sleep." I said trying to convince her. But failing.

"Nope. You go to sleep. You have broken ribs and a broken leg. And you have stitches. So you need it more then me." She said walking towards me. In one quick motion she swiftly, but carefully, picked me up and brought me to the bed.

"Night baby girl." Demi said

"No but Dem-" She cut me off

"Don't 'No but Dem' me. You're sleeping. It's five in the morning and you're hurt. I'm gonna join you after I shower. Okay?" She said. I nodded. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door. Everything is 10x harder on a tour bus when you're injured.

Demi came out of the bathroom in her pajamas and lied next to me in bed. She wrapped her arms around my waist and fell asleep right away.

I can't sleep. Hello insomnia. How ya doin'? Ugh. I can't sleep. I turned into Demi more and closed my eyes. I finally fell asleep.

Demi's POV

I woke up again and turned towards Sophie. She had tear stains down her face.

"Hey hey hey. Baby girl what's wrong?" I asked wiping her tears.

"It h-hurts Dem." she whimpered

"What hurts baby? What hurts?" I asked rubbing her cheek.

"My ribs." She cried. I instantly placed my hand on her abdomen and rubbed it gently.

"That feel better?" I asked her while still rubbing her stomach. The fact that someone did this to MY babygirl makes me wanna rip their head off.

"Mhmm." She mumbled smuggling up to me more. I rubbed it for twenty minutes and then I had to get up.

I walked into the kitchen and started making eggs and bacon for me and Soph. I walked into the bedroom and helped her sit up.

"Here's breakfast baby." I said giving her a plate with eggs and one piece of bacon.

Ever since her therapist and nutritionist, Sophie's been eating healthier and not purging. I'm so happy. But I know she's cut before. Everyone slips.

I sat next to her on the bed and started eating. When we were finished I tried to take Sophie's plate but she refused.

"Baby, let me put it in the sink." I said reaching my hand out.

"No Dem. I can walk." She said getting up and grabbing her crutches. I walk cautiously slow behind her so she doesn't fall or get hurt.

Sophie's POV

I put my plate in the sink and turn around quickly. I jabbed my ribs into the side of the counter. My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't breathe.

"D-Demi. Help. I hurt myself." I said turning towards her with tears running down my face.

"Oh shit." She said running up to me and holding me like a baby. She ran into the room and placed me on the bed. She then lifted my shirt to see one side of my abdomen with a dent in it that was bleeding.

"You're okay baby girl." She said rubbing my injured ribs. I relaxed and the pain was slowly going away.

"Thanks Demi. I feel better." I smiled at her.

"No problem Soph." She smiled back. I tried sitting up but Demi pushed me back, gently.

"No. You aren't getting up until my concert. I'm not doing a soundcheck today so I can stay here all day with you until 6:00. The concert starts at 7. Okay?" She asked. I nodded.

"Movie day?" I asked in a weak voice.

"Oh of course." She said getting the remote and renting My Sisters Keeper. Okay I guess it's a sad movie day? She wrapped her arms around me and I out my head on her chest. I'm so glad Demi's a cuddler because that's exactly what I need.

"Dem. I just wanted to thank you for always cuddling with me. I never got that kind of love from anyone. And I know cuddling isn't a big deal. But it means a lot to me that you love me that much." I said. She ran her fingers through my hair.

"No problem baby." She said kissing my forehead. This is where I feel most safe. When I'm wrapped in Demi's arms.

The movie started and I curled into Demi more.

When the movie ended me and Demi were both in tears. I wiped my eyes and got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and put my make up on. I then lifted up my shirt to see the damage.


I have bruises up and down my ribs and stomach. And a deep cut from where I hit it. No wonder I'm in so much pain.

I looked at my wild hair and decided to straighten it. Now how am I gonna do this with broken ribs. I plugged in my flat iron and started straightening.

"Demi! Can you help me with the back of my hair?" I yelled through the bus.

"Sure!" She said excitedly. Okay? Why is she excited.

"I love playing with your hair. It's so pretty and soft." She said grabbing the straightener and finishing my whole head.

"You didn't have to finish it!" I said laughing.

"I know. But I always wanted to do your hair. Anyways it's so thin anyway so it was easy." She said smoothing my hair out. She skipped out of the bathroom and jumped into the bed.

"Come here Sophie! It's only 4! We're leaving in 2 hours!" She said running into the bathroom and lifting me up. Okay. This is the third time today. I giggled when she jumped into the bed with me.

"Let's play never have I ever!'" She said

"Ok." I said

"Never have I ever been famous." I said

She put a finger down

"Hmm. Never have I ever had broken ribs." She said

Oh damn. I put a finger down.

"Never have I ever had siblings." I said

She put a finger down.

We finished the game and we still had an hour to waste.

We watched a law and order episode to kill time and now it was time to go. I was wearing shorts and a tank top with my vans. My long brown hair was pin straight- thanks to Demi and my nails were painted black. I had to walk down the bus stairs so I put my crutches in one hand and hoped down the three steps that leaded out of the bus. I followed Demi and Max came and helped me ad Demi slowed down so I could catch up.

We walked into the arena and Demi went into wardrobe and hair, as usual. And I sat on the couch with my leg up.

Mike, her guitarist, came and sat next to me.

"So you're crippled." He said jokingly

"Yup. It sucks." I said

"I remember when Demi broke her fibula. It was interesting because she still did concerts and stuff and she didn't need crutches for a long time. How long do you need yours?" He asked

"I think like two months." I said.

"That sucks buddy. I'm here if you need help." He said getting up and giving me a high five.

"Thanks Mike." I said.

Demi came out if wardrobe and hair and sat down for make up. I took out my phone and went onto twitter and looked at my indirects.

I then felt two hands cover my eyes.

"Okay um hi?" I asked when the person let go of my eyes. I turned around.

"MARISSA!" I said hugging her

"Hey babe. How are you?"

"I'm great. Does Demi know you're here?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Shh! I'm gonna surprise here in the crowd. I have front seat tickets. She said running away and went to her seats. Demi is gonna be so happy.

Demi was finished and went into the lift that lifted her on the stage. She started singing MITUSA.

"OH MY GOD NO." She screamed into the microphone.

"MARISSA!" She screamed and let Marissa on the stage and hugged her. Marissa then ran backstage with me with a huge smile on her face.

We watched Demi belt out the last song then she ran backstage and attacked me.

"EWWW. Demi you're always so sweaty. I said trying to weakly push her off of me.

"Hey Marissa." She said hugging her. Marissa's face was PRICELESS. I started cracking up. But then Demi and Marissa both have me a mischievous look. Oh shit what did I do. Marissa held me down as Demi attacked me with hugs and kisses. I was giggling the whole time. Which was hurting my ribs but I ignored it.

"Okay. Okay. Dem go get ready." I said pushing both girls off of me. Demi ran into her dressing room and came out in leggings an a oversized sweatshirt.

"To the bus we go." Demi said going Marissa my crutches and lifted me up.

"I can walk you know." I said. She ignored me.

We got into the bus and Demi placed me on the couch.

"Guess what." Marissa said.

"I can finish the tour with you guys." Marissa said earning a squeal from Demi.

"REALLY??! OMG YES." Demi said jumping on Marissa.

"I think it's time to sleep Dems. It's almost 12." Marissa said grabbing my crutches and Demi lifted me up.

"Guys. I can walk. Seriously." I said. But both of them ignored me. Ugh. Asdfghjkl.

We got into the bedroom and Demi put me on the bed and both of them joined me. Demi wrapped her arms around me. And Marissa kissed my forehead.

"Night guys." I said

"Night babe." Marissa said

"Night baby girl." Demi said


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