Ch.3 Everyones Girlfriend

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First day of class came and I'm happy to find out that Allison is my classmate, we will share the same class for the whole year and the most interesting part is that we're seatmates.

What a lucky day!

"Okay class, your seat will be permanent so be sure to make friends with your seatmates because if not, good luck with your Exams" our teacher joked which caused everybody to laugh including me.

Not because I will need to be friends with someone in order to pass the exams, but because I'm imagining that Allison will come to me and will beg me to let her copy my answers.

Oh that's wonderful I giggled at the thought.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Allison poked my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" she asked gently.

She's the kind of person that I see myself dating, perfect in every way. Though I'm still wondering why she's so odd at the registration day. She's like a total different person now.

Maybe she have a split personality? My mind suggested. I don't mind at all but I hope that she'll stick to her sweet personality rather than the killer eyed girl that I first met.

"Yeah, why?" I replied smiling. It's a good thing that she's the first one to initiate a conversation between us.

"Nothing, anyway please take care of me now" She replied simply.

It took me a moment before I realized what she just said, I can't believe that she wants me to do that. Of course I will take care of her with all my heart and soul and with everything that I got.

"Yes! Don't worry I will!" I replied excitedly.

"Huh?" She frowned at me, it seems like she didn't get my response.

"I said yes, I will take care of you" I repeated sweetly.

She released a soft laugh afterwards which caused me to frown at her.

What's funny?

"You're supposed to say please take care of me too, that's our traditional way of saying that you acknowledge me to be your seatmate" she explained patiently.

My face flushed upon hearing what she said, I'm burned.

Oh great I'm a fool, of course I won't get her so easily I scolded myself mentally. If only I have the power to disappear I'd do it right now.

"Ah oh I see. Yes...yes please take care of me too" I said chuckling to hide my embarrassment.

She just gave me a small smile before returning her focus on the teachers discussion.

I will definitely let her copy my exam answer and assignments, that will be my first step to make her like me. I'm confident in this class because I know to myself that I am smart enough to compete with others and I will strive more to impress her.

I've been listening to the teacher for almost an hour already but nothing is entering my mind. I'm so bored and I feel so sleepy already.

I smiled when I noticed that Allison is not taking notes, she's just leaning her back on her chair with her arms crossed.

"Hey" I whispered to her.

She looked at me plastering again her perfect smile. She didn't respond but I could tell that she's waiting to what I'm going to say next.

"You're not taking notes" I said while pointing to the board.

"So are you" she replied simply.

It's time to impress! I straightened my sit and smiled afterwards.

But I'm not a V A M P I R E (GxG, Lesbian) °editing°Where stories live. Discover now