The blood soaked the floor,carpets and well,everything else.I knew I did this,trying to get another taste of blood,to taste it in my mouth again.Seras exited the cabinet which she was hiding in.Faint splashes of the blood puddles,made my nerves run all over."Master?"She asked."Prepare for battle Police Girl."Alucard said."These people are.....these people are human beings."She yelled."Your point?"I ask her.A shock expression fills her face."Sean?"She questions."They've killed my kind for millions of years,these men were under the influence of another.They came here to kill us."I reply walking out of the room.
Water was flowing in the other side of the rooms door.I felt about eight people standing in my water.I blow out in annoyance.I close my eyes and open the door.My hoof stepping in the saltwater beneath me.A small splash sprinkled my leg."What is that?"Questioned one of the men.I step out and examine the men.I whine in a pitched tone,symbolizing 'Your Dead.'I bite down on one of the men's arm,ripping it from his body.The rest of the men ran to the elevator and I stalked after them.The water on the floor changing to a pale green,filling with light and circling around me.The men shutting the elevator doors.Before it shuts Alucard mind controls one of the soldiers to open it again.I step out of the swirling whirlpool as a human again.Blood drizzled on my chin.My fangs glowing a pearl white.Salt and sand tasted in my tongue."Allow me."Alucard said stepping in the elevator and I watch it close behind him.
Come to us
Swim with me
Kill the men who don't sing with meThe sea sung to me.I walk into the elevator and wait to go downstairs.The sea was whispering in my ears.Once I step out of the hotel observing the crowds of moving,breathing people.Someones arm snakes around my waist.An I'm soon flying up.I look to has a hold of me,Alucard."Hide up here and watch the show."He said.I smirk and wiggle from his grip.I flip and land behind rubble."The sea will have to wait."A voice says not my own.A second later I'm in a machine with chains on my wrists.
The Spirit Of the West(Completed)
FanficSean Kendrick's entire family throughout the generations has protected the Mustangs which are barley still in exsistance However for the past few years she has been writing letters to someone named Alucard across seas. One night all the 129 mustangs...