When I hear the knock at the door, I get a little heated. 'The nerve to play games, with my hormones and think she can come back!' I think to myself as I quickly snatch my clothes on in frustration. While I fasten the last button on my jacket, I snatch the door open. "Don't think ---" My receptionist looks at me with those almost eyes, widened in surprise with a slight grin, "Umm... Ms. Roster, your eight forty-five appointment with Mr. Armstrong....he came by, Ms. Roster..." My eyes widen with curiosity. "He what?! OK," I close my eyes in an attempt to calm my nerves, "what happened? Where did he go?" I shake my head as I look at my feet. Gavin did say he planned a breakfast date today and had invited his mom. Oh my gosh! Did he hear anything? What did he hear? Is he still here?
My brain rattles on with thoughts of questions. The smile is now off of McKinley's face as I bring my eyes up to meet her gaze. "Where is he Kinley?" "He and his mom left. He said it sounded like you were busy, but he did leave you a note." She hands me a piece of paper and the front simply reads "From Gavin." "Thank you, McKinley." I find it in myself to release a fake smile as I attempt to close the door, but I glance down to find her foot in the way. "are you OK, Ms. Roster? You never call me by my full name unless something's wrong with you. Is there anything I could do? Get you?" "Wow! You are very attentive, Kinley! Very observative." "Isn't that why you hired me in the first place, Ms. Roster?" She gives me a nod before she leaves my presence and I am stuck there smiling at her and the relief that I am finally alone to collect my thoughts.
I let out a deep sigh as i sit at my desk. My attention is immediately drawn to a milky white substance on the edge of the dark wood. I tremble at the sudden flashback of my mistress pleasuring my pussy with her tongue and the reminisce of my juices lingering on my desk.After wiping up my mess with a napkin, I open the note hesitantly, closing my eyes trying to prepare myself for the worst.
I hope you enjoyed your meeting. We need to talk. Ill be waiting at home.
- Gavin
My heart sank. He never ends his notes with just "-Gavin." The fact I was so stupid to think that I would get away with this affair! I lay my head back on my chair in shame. Hoping I can fix this, I grab my belongings and head for the door. "Push all of any appointments I may have back, until I give further notice. And in the order they were placed, please!" I shout at my receptionist as I rush out the revolving door. Flagging down a cab is always pure hell, but God must be on my side right now. I hop in and direct the driver to my house. I have never had such a cloudy mind until now. 'How could I explain to him what he heard? There is no explanation...but would he accept an apology? Would he leave me? Need time to think?'
I open the door to find him sitting at the table. A bottle of Vodka to his left, and a glass to his right; half empty. I stand there, waiting for him to say something, anything. But he is silent, just staring me down with pain, or anger in his eyes. I cant tell which emotion what he is feeling. His "poker face" is in full effect. I still cant move. My heart is weighed down like a ton of bricks, my feet seem to be covered in cement. This is the second time I've been stuck dead in my tracks today. 'Shit! This is not the time to think of her!' I scold myself silently in my head. Gavin's head tilts, seemingly to figure out my thoughts. I place my bags down, "Sit down," he demands. His voice low, and sounds as if he has been crying. I sit as I was told. Not saying a word. I'm here to listen, first. My stomach is in my through, which didn't make the situation any easier when the words he spoke came out next...
Lustful Secrets (a lesbian affair)
RomanceTiffany Roster is a business owner of a six figure company. She waits for no one, and has the sassy mouth to prove it. Not even the guy who plans on marrying her one day can tame her....until a seductive woman comes along. Bonita Sanchez has always...