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"O my god I'm late" Illyria panickly sprung out of bed still half asleep at the achieving siren of her alarm clock.Last night she had stayed to 4am studying for her biology exam coming up in two days.Still groggy from sleep she clumsily moved around to apply her makeup while in progress grabbing her bleached ocean blue skateboard."Bobby probably waiting for me" Grabbing her beloved earphones and phone before making her target the door as her backpack lay relaxingly on the each of the left side of the door.Bobby was one and probably only real best friend Illyria had as the girls clicked in kindergarten when Illyria asked Bobby for her classroom ending up seat mates and soon the better of friends while being nearly opposite of each other.Buzz. loosing out of her trance Illyria dashingly picked up her phone to the welcoming sound of her best friend. "Sup Ill I'm at your door" Illyria giggled at her friend morning buzz."Sup Bobby door open bro" Hearing the door click Illyria grabbed a fresh pair of apples of counter before making her leave."Reflex" Illyria threw the door which Bobby typically yet clumsily catched happy."you bought your sleeping with Sirens jacket I see" Illyria smirked as her friend nodded in honour and pleasement."Yep just came today in love Ill"  Bobby spinned like a princess before grabbing Illyria arm as the two made their leave."you heard about killings on news?" Bobby asked curiously as Illyria nodded as yesterday evening a couple had been slaughtered by the almost famous mystery killer who craved a Chelsea smile into their victim face before leaving the crime scene unseen and unheard by police or neighbors.All the police really knew was the Killer name was Jeff The Killer as no victim had survived making no leads into the investigation as the town struggled for a sign of hope to finding the life taker to justice which like a unseen grief wasn't happening. "Yeah mum scared to death about me and you but we're Strong" Illyria assured as her friend nodded in  agreement as the grounds of school had soon came into peer."English uhhh and I don't have you friend" Bobby whined as English had seemingly been a subject that miserably had separated the pair as Illyria had been top and Bobby second as the two had hugged it out before leaving paths.Plugging her earphones almost instantly Illyria entered her lime and peach scented English room for the back seat that to her acknowledge was better of having her name written on it as Illyria never retreated any seat for the one like a constant loyal friend.Taking her seat flipping the book Illyria started as the bell rang igniting all her other subjects into the room like a pack of guinea pigs (wierdly) . "Brian so into me like past night party just of the roof" Tiffany the school icon of a whore aswell as Illyria seemingly enemy aka bully boosted on as always about her day in day out boyfriend Brian.Illyria tuned them out as typical as it was only lies as Brian the school jock aswell as team captian had better of slept with every girl he shore like a token that in Illyria mind seemed and was awfull."What you smirking about freak?" Tiffany had turned out starring angrily at Illyria who head has risen starring back at tiffany Grey blue eyes emotionless."Did I say something Tiffany so turn around and fuck Off" Illyria answered only cutting the blade of anger deeper in Tiffany who in shock had gasped offended by Illyria mood and tone."Go cut your wrists your just a useless bitch" Tiffany fired back getting on with her speech about last night party as Illyria turned her head in windows view.Just another year Illyria.Watchin the cloudy blanketed sky Illyria zoned once again out admiring the closing of Autumn beauty.

hey guys hoped you like it first Fanfic so please be nice guys and comment your opinion and ideas as always love u guys peace out kittis 😺😺✌✌

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