Chapter 10

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  • Dedicated to A Girl I Used to Call A Friend.

Chapter 10 *sorry I mislabeled the last chapter :'(*
I take deep breath and ring the Hyland's doorbell. Day 9.
Brooke answers with a stony glare, "What do you want Chloe?"
I expected that she would be upset. I just didn't think it would hurt this much.
"Can I talk to you?" I ask politely and she gestures at their brown leather couch. A couch that a year ago I practically called mine.
I slowly lower myself down onto the couch and plaster a smile on my face. 'Game face Chloe, come on' I tell myself.
I take a deep breath, "So are Paige and Brandon broken up?" I question, even though I already know the answer.
"Chloe, I'm as frustrated at my sister as the next person. But I am not devising a 10 Day plan to ruin her life." Brooke spits out with a fierce edge.
I start to protest, "I don't have a 10 day pla-"
"-I found this on the ground in the cafeteria yesterday." Brooke cuts me off matter-of-factly, holding a crumpled up piece of paper in front of my face.
My own curly handwriting is plastered across the top of the page 'By Chloe Lukasiak.'
My 10 Day plan?! How did I drop that?
Brooke takes a breath and starts to speak again, "Day 10 says that you become Homecoming Queen, crushing her confidence. How do you aim to do that?" I know that she already knows the answer to that question.
"Day 9 is the day that I get all her friends to turn on her." I whisper.
"I can't believe you." Brooke snaps and throws the Plan at me. I take this as an opportunity to leave and scramble out the Hylands' fancy front door.
A front door I'll hopefully never use or see again.
That would be way to humiliating.
The entire way home, my stomach ties in knots.
Poke and prod at this thought in your head.
Do I really want to ruin this person's life?
Is it really worth it?
Yes. She ditched me and left me uncool and picked on. She stole my boyfriend. Publicly humiliated me.
And that's what this guide suggests usage for.

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