Kat's OC

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Name: Senka Harrison
Age: 15
Parent: Athena, blessed by Apollo
Camp: Camp Half-Blood
Personality: Can be sweet and caring but only to the people she trusts. Otherwise quite rude, arrogant and proud. If you get on the wrong side of her she is dangerous. She is a tomboy edging into a punk/biker.

Weapons: Her brain, twin celestial bronze daggers, seraph blade, bow and arrows, staff.

Looks: Ash blonde hair that's always in a high ponytail. Her eyes are stormy grey but with flecks of blue in them. She has pale skin as she is from ENGLAND!!! She wears her shadowhunter leather jacket, black skinny ripped jeans and a Nirvana top. Can be seen in boys tops as well.

Life before camp: Senka was brought up as a shadowhunter, training everyday, running through the streets of York tracking down demons. She then accidentally activated a portal into Middle Earth where she stayed for a couple of months before she returned. On her way back from Middle Earth she got transported to Chicago. She was put into Dauntless with Tris and Christina. Eventually she escaped and got back to Earth.
One day she got asked to go to the New York institute by the Clave; so she obliged. The Institute is in Brooklyn so she met the Kanes. She was tracking some demons with Alec Lightwood and Jace Herondale when she ran through Camp's borders, she was then claimed

Relationship: She has a crush on Itzal Wainstorm (a shadowhunter)

Sorry but my OC is in sooooo many fandoms!!!!! A bit unbelievable, oh well!!!!!! I can change it if you want.

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