Chapter 29: Boyfriend.

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Rogue POV.

It's all I can feel.
It's nice...

I open my eyes.
Looking around the night before comes rushing back to me.

Our pasts.

I feel a smile tug at my lips.

His lips against mine. It felt amazing...
Our lips had moved in sync, feeling like one soul. His hands trailing down my back and resting on my hips.
His golden hair soft under my fingers.
The rain hit us with full on but neither of us had noticed, we were caught up in the moment.

We had walked back to the house hand in hand, tears running down our faces. But this time they weren't from fear or pain, no they were of relief.
We had collapsed onto his bed in exhaustion.

Sting loved me...


I hear a small groan from behind me.
Suddenly I feel a body snuggle closer to mine. An arm wraps around my stomach, pulling me even closer.

"I'm so glad that I can do this now."

"Do what?"

I flip over and meet Sting's stunning eyes.

"Hold you."

He grins at me, moving even closer. Our chests are pressed together, it gives me a perfect chance to tuck my head under his.

"He, I could stay here forever..."

I nod.

We stayed there for about a good 20 minutes before Sting exclaimed,

"Holy shit! School starts in three minutes! We have to go!"

He scrambled out of bed, leaving me to miss his warmth.
I stay in bed.

I really don't want to go to school...
I don't want to face Minerva, or get a bunch of crude comments in the halls...
I just want be with Sting...

Speak of the devil...
He come back into the room, completely dressed and ready. He gives me a look that says, 'are you coming?'.

"I don't want to go... Can't we just stay?"

His gaze softens a bit.

"Sure, I'm positive my dad won't mind and my friends won't care."

He moves over to the bed and gets under the covers, but not before taking off his shirt.
Mavis... Those muscles...
My face feels strangely hot.

I swear awkwardness fills the room.
It's my fault...

Sting didn't leave it like that for very long.
He grasped my waist as he softly put his lips on my neck. He began making butterfly kisses all the way up to my jaw, he got to my lips and kissed me shortly.

If my face pink before it's a freaking scarlet now.
Smiling, it's all I can do...

"So, what are we?"

I shift my eyes to Sting.

"What do you mean?"

"Are we together? Secret forbidden love? A fling-"


Sting gets startled by my sudden outburst. But smiles after a few seconds.

"Good. I'm glad we feel the same."

Thank Mavis, he feels the same as I do...

"Are we a thing now?"

I contemplated for a second.
I really do want to be with Sting, but my father and brother would kill me for being gay, not to mention Minerva...

"Can we keep it a secret?"

Sting looks kind of disappointed at first but it seemed to have hit him on why I wanted to keep it a secret.

"Okay, but would you mind breaking it off with Minerva? I swear I'll take care of you better than she ever has or will. I promise."

I nod smiling at him.

"Of course. But could you come with me? I-I really don't want to face her alone..."

"Anything for you."

Sting leaned down kissing my nose.

After an hour of cuddling and talking Sting got up abruptly.
What is he doing?
Is he regretting his actions of being with me?
Does he not want me anymore?

My eyes tingle but I push it back.

He turns around and offers a hand.

"C'mon, I want to have some breakfast with my new boyfriend."

My face flushes, a smile lights up my face.

I grab his hand and we go to get breakfast together.

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