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I'm not going to lie but I was nervous when Jimin yelled back to me Jin was here. Both Jungkook and Jimin had been cleaning in the living room while I had been in the kitchen, so I hoped it wasn't as trashed as it was an hour or so ago.

"Hey hyung." I heard Jimin's voice from behind me. I stopped wiping down the counters and turned my head.


"The pizza just got here too." He said. "Don't worry about the living room though. Jungkookie and I cleaned it good." I nodded at his words.

"Then hopefully pizza is enough to repay you." I shot back at him. He started chuckling before leaving the kitchen. I tossed the rag I had been using into a drawer and followed him back out to the living room.

I saw Jin chatting with Jungkook, they were laughing about something and I noticed the pizza box on the table. Jin saw me and a smile appeared on his face.

"What were you doing spring cleaning?" Jin asked me when I was standing beside him. I laughed a little.

"Sorta?" I murmured back to him. He sighed and looked back at the pizza. I couldn't help but think he was more at ease with me, and with both Jimin and Jungkook even though he might have just met them.

"So, what kind did you order hyung?" Jungkook asked, staring hungrily at the box of goodness us humans call pizza.

"I ordered a four kind large. One corner is cheese, another is pepperoni, another is sausage then supreme. Because I didn't know what kind you guys preferred." I explained.

Jungkook nodded and Jimin gently hit him in the shoulder. "Pop the lid already Kookie!"

I nodded to him and we all sat down. Jin beside me and Jungkook on the other, Jimin in front. I watched as Jungkook grabbed the lid and flipped it open revealing the food inside. I turned around and grabbed the four plates I had set out earlier for us four.

I passed them out and looked at them. "Well grab some." I said.

Jungkook dove for the sausage and then a pepperoni. I looked at Jin, he was watching, probably waiting for someone to give him permission, which I only smiled at.

"You can get some." I poked Jin under the table with my finger. Jimin grabbed a cheese and a pepperoni. Jin nodded and reached out. He grabbed his slices and set them back on his plate. A moment later I did the same and we were all happily eating a second after that.

It wasn't too long before the whole pizza was gone, but we were full.

"Ah that was good." Jimin said, leaning back against his chair. He looked at Jin who also looked like he was pretty full. "So, how long have you known Namjoon hyung?" Jin looked at Jimin, confusion on his face.

"Not long. Three or four days, I guess." Jin answered, smiling. I looked back at Jimin wondering what he was up to.

"Oh cool. I'm sorry if he's messy sometimes, he breaks things easily too. Ive heard you're his neighbor, and I don't want to help him clean anymore, so please be a good friend." Jimin rambled. My eyes widened and my mouth opened a little. Jimin laughed when he saw my face. "I'm just kidding. But in all seriousness, please be a good friend. Someone needs to help him clean besides me and Jungkookie."

Jin started laughing and I noticed Jungkook grinning like an idiot. Jimin was grinning also and I could only mentally play out the way I was reacting to Jimin's words.

"S-Sure." Jin hiccuped from his laughter. "I'll help him not break things and such."

I stopped myself from saying anything and I wondered if he was actually gonna do something like that.

"Jimin what..." I mumbled.

"I'll see you later Namjoon hyung, but I promised Jungkookie that we would have some alone time after we ate here." Jimin's grin widened and he grabbed Jungkooks arm. "See ya!" Jungkook only looked confused as they left through the door.

What was Jimin up to? Well, maybe he wasn't lying. Jungkook and him had been making faces at each other the whole time we were eating. But I still had my suspicions.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Jin laughing again.

"You've got some nice friends don't you?" He managed to say. I leaned back, a sigh escaping my lips.

"Yeah." I mumbled. "They are hard to handle too."

He looked at me, a warm smile on his face. "Well you do." He said, that smile never leaving his face.

"I bet you do to." I chuckled lightly.

"Oh I do. They are troublesome like yours too." I nodded in agreement.

"Then you know what it's like." He nodded also.

"Thanks for inviting me Namjoon." He said. For once I looked him straight in the eye, staring straight into the emotions he had on display with his brown orbs.

"No problem, Jin." I replied and a thought came to my mind. "Hey want my number?"

"What?" He asked, surprise on his face. I raised my hands.

"If you don't want it, I won't give it to you." I said, acting out a surrender.

"No." He said. "I'll take it."

"Okay then."

And we exchanged numbers, smiles still both plastered on our faces.

"Thanks again Namjoon." Jin spoke, him now standing outside my door. I couldn't understand how sincere someone could be with a simple three words.

"Like I said, it's fine." I grabbed the door and leaned against it while staring at him.

"Yeah." He laughed. "I'll see you." He took a step away from me, and gave me a small wave. I closed the door a little bit, leaving it open slightly.

"Stop by if you feel like it." I said through the small opening. "See you later, Jin."

He nodded back to me, before walking away.

//boring ass chap wtf

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