I Care About You... BROTHER

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-Papyrus's POV-
It was about 11:46 and i was finally home. Hopefuly Sans was doing alright.I went inside and saw sans wasnt on fhe couch but he had the food. Must have gone to his room. I started up the stairs then i lightly knocked on the door.

-Third POV-

Sans was shaking alittle and covered part of his face with shests as he heard walking towards his door. It must be boss he thought. He heard the knock on the door and used his magic to open it a littls before covering his whole face up.Papyrus rhen opened the door he walked in the room a little bit."SANS..."He said in a very calm and quite voice whih shocked sans cause he had never heard his brother like this. He looked through the sheets with one eye whi h was glowinf but not as bright as it normaly would. Papyrus walked over to sans and sat doen on the bed near him."YOU KNOW...IVE BEEN WORRIED SICK. I CARE ABOUT YOU, BROTHER." Sans eyes went blank. He was shocked and he looked at papyrus and wasnt very comfortble with talking but saifd,"b-boss... you really do?"He asked rather low and shaky."OF COURSS I DO SANS! YOU SHOULD KNOW THE REASON I BECAME A HEAD PART OF THE ROY GUARD WAS TO PROTECT YOU!I KNOW YOU ONLY HAVE 1 HP SO I WANNA KEEP YOU SAFE!"He said not to loud. Sans gave a weak smile and closed his eyes and Papyrus leaned over and'Kissed'Sans on if he had any, his lips would be.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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