Everyday routines

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Today was like any other day. Wake up, get dressed, brush teeth, and grab lunch. I stopped eating breakfast every morning now. I walk to the bus and ride to school. My two friends Amelia and Veronica ride with me, so I won't be lonely. Our lockers aren't by each other sadly, so I have to walk down the hallway and try to avoid people. Although it's not hard since I'm basically invisible to everyone.

My first period class is English. I love reading and writing, but we always have to present our work that we do, and I hate presenting in front of people. I have social anxiety and every day I will have multiple anxiety attacks. I walked into Mrs. Steers class. She welcomed us with a warm smile "Good morning class! Your assignment is on the board. We will be sharing in 15 minutes." I froze and my heart started pounding, my stomach felt like it was in knots, and my mouth was suddenly dry. My mind started working again and I sat down, and looked at the board. It said 'write a paragraph about why English will help us in the future'. I wrote about two paragraphs until I heard Mrs. Steers announce that we would be sharing now. I started getting nervous there is 31 people in my class. I was the third person to go. Once she announced my turn I slowly walked up to the front of the class with knees buckling.
"T-the r-r-reason I t-think that-that Engl-ish I-s im-important Is-is....", and the next thing I knew was that my vision went black.
I opened my eyes to see that I was in the nurses office. I've been in here many times before to memorize what it looks like. "I see you woke up." I look over to my left to see Mrs. Shantel.
Of course I asked "what happened?", "I have a headache." She replied simply yet bluntly "You got hit in the head." My face showed no shock. Things like this happen all the time. It turns out one of my bullies named Evan hit me in the head with a hard back of 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'. I was sleeping for the rest of English and Science. Now I have history; my favorite subject.

I went through the rest if the day without trouble, but both Amelia and Veronica had to leave early meaning I have to deal with the bullies on my own; like always but they would be there to help me stop crying. I was grabbing my stuff from my locker and I turn around and I see Evan, Sebastian, and Nichole. They took me outside. Evan and Sebastian held me up against a wall while Nichole pulled out some scissors. My eyes went wide; you could clearly see the fear in my eyes. Nichole brought the scissors up to my hair and said "Stop trying to hide. Life will be hard. Deal with it.", and the next thing I know is half of my hair is cut shorter into half a Bob cut. Tears were now cascading down my face dropping onto my t-shirt. After that they walked away and I ended up walking home 3 miles. This is usually what happens. Something bad happens at the end of every day. I wonder what my parents will say. This is just my everyday routine.

Authors Notes:
I hope you liked it. Please give me any commentary to make this the best story, but also not offensive too people who have any of these problems.

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