"Can't stay eighteen forever-"

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Danger’s Back.

“Local gangster Justin Bieber is being released today after serving three years in prison. The teenager was arrested shortly after murdering—” I shut the TV off, carelessly throwing the remote to the side while letting out a much needed breath.

All morning; every news channel, radio show, magazine and newspaper has been filled with the buzz about Justin and how he’s being released out of jail.

Meanwhile all could think about was how the hell was going to react when I saw him for thefirst time in a little over three years.

Three years.


Just the words; saying them, hearing them, reading them… it didn’t seem normal. It all felt so surreal like this was all just one big, bad, horrible dream and that if I pinched myself, I would wake up and everything would be back to normal.

I would be having dinner with my boyfriend and family, enjoying the food, laughing at the jokes shared amongst us and we would all be bonding; making up for the horrible catastrophe our last dinner had turned into.

But, no, instead, I was hit with the news that my boyfriend—the one who I was supposed to be able to love and trust, no matter what—was arrested for killing the one guy I thought was behind us all.

My phone buzzed in the pocket of my jeans, startling me from my deep thoughts. Shrugging the intensifying feeling growing in the pit of my stomach, I took it out, the screen illuminated with the words “One new message: John”.

My breathing hitched in my throat as I slid my finger across, unlocking it, the message instantly popping up.


You ready?

I froze, my heart beat accelerating greatly, my body going numb, palms sweaty. This isn’t like me. Licking my lips, I fought the courage to fight through my nerving behavior, typing back quickly, my fingers doing the talking while my head screamed another.


Yeah, I’m ready.

‘Ready’ my ass, my subconscious sneered at me, taunting me of the numerous amounts of doubt and unreasoning I felt in the mist of all the anxieties in my stomach.

I swallowed hard, shaking my head, trying to steer my head in the right direction of where my thoughts should really be.

I should be happy, ecstatic, relieved and all the above of all positive emotions…. But why was it that not even an ounce of my being felt any of those?

Why did I, instead, feel lost, scared, disappointed and most of all… disoriented?

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