"She was my everything"

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Justin’s Point of View:

“So…” Kelsey trailed off, her fingernails skimming the bare skin of my chest, her teeth scraping nervously against her bottom lip. “What was it like?”

Furrowing my eyebrows together in confusion as to what she meant, I crammed my neck in order to look down at her. “What was what like?”

“Prison.” She stated bluntly, cutting to the chase and even though I admired that, I couldn’t help the needle like feeling pinch at my heart.

“Well you sure don’t beat around the bush,” I chuckled, trying to find some sort of way to go about this in a positive way. I mean, it wasn’t exactly an easy subject to talk about.

“It’s just that,” Kelsey sighed, shrugging. “You know about what I went through while you were gone. It’s just reasonable for me to know your struggles as well.”

“My struggles are my struggles for a reason, Kelsey.” Kissing her forehead, I looked ahead, trying to surpass the wrenching feeling in the midst of my gut. “You don’t have to worry about them.”

“But I do worry Justin, that’s the thing.” Shifting so that her naked chest was pressed against my own, she wrapped her arms around me. “I’ll always care and it’s eating me inside not knowing what you went through.” Kelsey began to absentmindedly draw imaginary shapes against my skin as she rolled the both of her lips into her mouth.

“Don’t do that,” I murmured, grabbing her chin in between my index finger and thumb before pulling her lips free from the hold she had on them. Giving me a frazzled look, I ignored her, leaning down and placing a sweet kiss to her lips, trying to ease her mind.

Deepening the kiss, Kelsey grabbed onto my shoulders about to hoist herself up when she stopped. Pulling away from the embrace our mouths were encountering, Kelsey gave me a disapproving look. “Kissing me won’t stop me from wanting to know.”

“But it’ll distract you enough to forget about it.” I countered with a sigh, my hands inattentively running up and down her sides.

“When you were released, I just threw all my burdens on you. I yelled and screamed meanwhile I didn’t even let you explain what it was that you went through and I just feel… guilty.” Kelsey sulked, her shoulders falling.

Popping up on my elbows, I gave her an incredulous look, not being able to believe what I had just heard. “You have nothing to be guilty for. It was my fault that I got caught and taken away in the first place. You had every right to be angry with me. I lied to you, I ruined everything...” Closing my eyes, I thought back on the mistakes I had made regarding our relationship. “You had no fault in this whatsoever.”

“Then why do I feel as if I let you…us down?” Frowning, she avoided my eyes, looking at everything but me.

“You can’t be serious…” When she didn’t say anything, my eyes widened. “Babe, I tried again but she refused to budge.

Sitting up completely, I took her legs, spreading them on either side of me before grabbing her face in my hands, forcing her to look at me. “I don’t ever want you to say something like that again, do you understand me?”


“No,” I cut her off, knowing she was going to try and justify her own ridiculous reasoning’s. “Stop right there and listen to me.” When she turned her ears to me, I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, caressing her cheek with the padding of my thumb. “You didn’t let me down. If anything you made me even more proud of you. No girl could have gone through what you have yet you did and you stuck by my side the entire time. Even when you knew I was going away for a few years, you waited for me.” Shaking my head, I solemnly stared into her eyes. “If that’s not amazing then I don’t know what is.” Pecking her gently, I looked into her eyes. “You are one of the strongest girls I know Kelsey Jones and if you ever try to deny anything again, I’ll have to convince you otherwise.” I smirked.

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