"You're still a dead man"

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Justin’s Point of View


Groaning as the light from the windows came peeling in caused me to flutter my eyes open and awake from my slumber. Swallowing despite my dry, sticky throat, I groggily began wiping my eyes clean of sleep. Wincing at the pull in my chest, I sighed frustratingly before relaxing once my eyes fell on Kelsey sleeping soundly beside my bed.

I frowned at the sight of her rolled up in a ball on one of the clearly uncomfortable hospital chairs with a tacky sheet covering her probably freezing body. Reaching over, I gently urged her awake with my fingers not being able to watch her sleep like that any longer.

“Babe,” I rasped watching as she stirred a bit before batting her eyelashes, her eyes finding mine before quickly snapping her body upwards into a sitting position.

“Are you okay?” She murmured groggily, looking around for something wrong, “Did something happen? Do you want something?”

I couldn’t help the smile that urged my lips to pull upwards at her urgency to come to my aid. “Nah, I’m fine baby but I do want you to do something for me though.”

“What’s that?” She questioned, confusingly smiling back at me.

“I want you to go home and get some rest before you get so worn out they have to admit you.”

“I’m fine,” Kelsey retorted with a roll of her eyes, exasperated.

“You have been in here every minute of the day. You’re probably living off the crap they sell in the vending machines at the café and coffee.” I shot back, trying to push my point across. It isn’t healthy for her to be here twenty four seven without a goodnight’s rest or regular food in her system.

“I wouldn’t exactly call it crap; it’s actually not that bad… once you get used to it.” Kelsey shrugged carelessly, trying to convince me otherwise but nothing she’s going to say will change my mind.

“Either way, it still isn’t food. You need to get some air too apart from traveling to the bathroom or getting the nurse. You need to go out, see the sun, the sky… being stuck in here isn’t going to make anything better. It’ll just make things worse for you.”

“I had enough fresh air;” Kelsey waved a hand dismissively, “Carly took me to the diner a couple of days ago and I went home once too.” She protested, her lips pulling into a pout.

Once,” I repeated, “Exactly. You’re warring yourself down for nothing.” I sighed, “What good is it going to do either of us if you collapse just as I’m released?”

“I don’t want to leave you… what if—”

“Don’t,” I signaled her to stop before she continued talking. “There are no what-ifs. I got through the worst, okay? Don’t worry about me. I’m the one who’s okay here. I’m not quite sure how you’ll turn up in a couple days if you continue on like this.” Licking my lips, I took a deep breath, “I don’t want this to turn into an argument. Just do as I say, okay?”

“You’re flat on your back and you still find ways to control my life,” Kelsey mumbled jokingly, shooting me a shy smile as she uncrossed her legs and stood up, stretching her limbs.

Chuckling, I smirked, “Just go home and sleep for a little. I’ll feel much better knowing you’re resting.”

Pursing her lips, Kelsey didn’t put much thought into it as her shoulders hunched over in dismay. “Fine,” She emphasized, leaning over and pressing her lips to mine for a sweet kiss, “But I will be back later.” She pointed at me in a warning gesture.

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