A oneshot for a friend

18 1 7

This is for Len_Is_Best_Len
I don't have anywhere else to put this XD


I did the same thing everyday. Why? I.... I don't understand myself. I stepped up the the podium, where the triplets had comically set up a table. Chili and Cilan were sitting at it, while Cress stood just by the steps, holding their hands together by Their chest.

So cute

"We .... Um.... thought you'd turn up again...." Cilan sighed, slowly drinking his tea while pansage playfully chewed their hair.
"Seriously! We never get to battle anymore!" Chili exclaimed- despite his loud voice, he seemed calm- even bored. Cress glared at the two, his knuckles glowing white for a moment. I could only giggle at their silent argument.

"Yeah.... I'm pretty useless, huh?" I said.
Let me clarify. I didn't HAVE to loose every time. You see, I hadn't had so much as one badge yet.... But that's because I could never bare myself to go ahead and win... I'd picked Tepig for my first Pokemon, so reaching the gym meant I would battle against the water leader Cress. But something about him meant I could never bring myself to seeing him loose.
Cress closed his eyes and brought his hands to his sides as he bowed.
"I'm sure you know now all to well what to do, Y/N-chan." He said, a faint smile on his face as he lifted himself out, releasing lilipup. I, in return, released patrat, and the battle began.


"I can't believe this!" Chili exclaimed, standing up in his seat and slamming his hands on the desk "again?! What's with you? This is burning me out watching you battle!"

"C-chili!" Cilan exclaimed, standing up  as well "it's not Y/N's fault if they don't win yet! I-I mean... Um... It's been a while, but..."

"Now now you two." Cress said, spinning on his heel to face the two "is it really not so much of a pleasure to have Y/N-chan's prescience?" He said, facing me before they could reply "sorry you had to lose again Y/N-chan. I hope to see you tomorrow in more... Ideal... Surroundings, yes?" He asked me.

"Yeah! I'll beat you tomorrow! I know it!" I challenged, looking at the other two "so don't you worry any more!"

I hear cress let out a chuckle as I enthusiastically run out, determined not to train more, but to actually bring myself to wanting to beat against cress.


"...... Cress?" I called out in the empty restaurant. It's the next day, and the three should be waiting for me to challenge them- well, Cress- so where are they. I slowly walk in, each footstep all too loud in the empty surroundings. I walk slowly up to the podium, looking around again. The restaurant is empty and dark. The only light in the building is coming from the small gap from the open door. I hear a creak as the light gets darker and darker, and a slow slam of the door. I whip around, looking to it. The window of the door has a thin blind over it, and the light shining through illuminates the figure of someone... But the darkness in the restaurant blocks their face. They're leaning on the door, and let out a sigh before they walk up to me slowly. But... Something keeps me still. I don't run. Something about them is familiar... Friendly. Cute.

"Y/N-chan...." The figure says, just as they reach me- mere inches away. I look up at their face.


He smiles, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into a hug, falling on his knees and dragging me down. I don't know how else to react, and I just hug back. My eyes explore the room again.... Is that... Chili? Cilan? They're sitting at a table. But something about them seems.... Off. They haven't said anything. They're just... Sitting there.

"Cress.... Cress what's wrong with your brothers?"

"Nothin is wrong with them, Y/N-chan. They are better like this. Y/N-chan.... I love you. Please.... Just accept me..." Cress says quietly, hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead. I blink in surprise- so that's why I couldn't beat him. I didn't want to go past him. I smile faintly, but I don't take my eyes off of the brothers.

Not even when the blood trickled down

I just sat

I didn't care

Because as long as he's there...

I'm happy

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