Chapter 8

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Okay well i think i need to tell beau to come get me so we can get BRITT

*phone call with beau*


Me:Hey it's me

Beau:Hey ARI whatcha need

Me:Oh i was calling to ask if you would like to take me to get my friend from Texas she just moved here and were going to the shops and i wanted you come with bring jai she has a major crush on him haha

Beau:Okay yea i will go with and like said he would love to meet her haha

Me: okay see you soon

Beau:okay love you

Me: love you too bye

Beau: bye

*hangs phone up*

Okay gotta get ready what should i wear hummmmm ahhaaa ill wear my black shorts with the pockets the stick out with sequins on them and my blue crop top tank top

Okay now my makeup im gonna where a light light shimmer eyeshadow thats really sparkly and some light but fare skin colored foundation and some eyeliner and mascara okay now im ready for my date and fun day with the BFF haha

Better call him back and tell im ready to go then on the way call BRITT to tell her were on the way

*on the phone with beau*

Beau: hello ARI

Me: sorry but im ready to go haha

Beau: its okay beautiful just walk over here and we'll go in a sec okay me:well i forgot to do my hair haha so it'll be a few for me too or dose your mum have a streatiner i can use really quick like

Beau: yea come over here

Me:on my way haha

Beau:okay bye love you

Me:bye love you too

*hangs up phone*

Well me and beau dont go out its all in my head haha but we tell each other we love each other because we're really close so yea

Okay well im off to the brooks brothers house

*knock knock knock knock Knock knock* we have a special knock to let us know its us haha

Hey ariana how are you Gina there mum greates me at the door good how are you fine okay where's beau and Jai in there rooms getting ready okay i walk down the hallway to beaus room first i knock my special knock and no one answers so i go to likes room and knock my special knock again and Jai opens the door only to be completely naked so i ask with out looking where beau is and he said he was in his room and that not to go in there so i dont i just whent back to the den and turned the tv on oly to find that Jai was now there and fully dressed i ask him how did you get down here so gas and dressed so fast he said its one of my many features i couldn't help but laugh my ass off

Beaus pov

Well i wonder if ARI is here yet i think ill go to the den to watch tv till she dose if she not already

As i walk in to the den i see red hair and then i see Jai and i thought he had someone from School over but it was ARI

Hey ARI how are you

Good said ARI

Thats good so you ready to go get brittney

Yea ARI said exsitsdly

I dont think ARI likes me she acts like she dose some times but then again she doesn't but oh well i thoght the letter i got yesterday could have been from her but it may not have oh well

Okay well then what are we waiting for lets go haha

Okay said ARI and Jai in sync

Jai pov

I wonder if ARIs a bit weirded out right now after what happend a few minnits ago oh well it'll be okay so ARI can i see a pic of brittney yea sure one sec

Here you go said ARI

Thanks she really pretty

I hope you like country accents said ARI

Yea there cool i guess

*at brittneys house*


H-h-h-hey j-j-j-jai

A bitt nervous ayy

Y-y-yeah haha

Well your really pretty lets go shall we haha

O-o-okay t-t-thanks


So are yall to love birds ready haha beau yells out at them as they take there preasoise time to get to the car

Yes shut up you cunt

I couldn't help but laugh at my self

Okay then get in the car you sicker cunt beau said

I am shut up cunt said

Okay bigger cunt beau said as i got in the car and took my seat next to brittney

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2013 ⏰

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