Chapter 1. Last Day Of 7th Grade

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Maria's pov

Hi or hello, I am Maria. Tomorrow is going to be the last day of 7th grade, I am pretty depressed because my dad passed away. And my friends left me. I just basically want to die. The only person who helped me survive is my best friend Lily.

Lily's pov
I think Maria's dad passing is very sad but who wouldn't think it's sad. When my little brother had died at the age of 7 because of cancer,I practically cried my eyes out. But, anyways tomorrow is the last day of school I better get ready.

Maria's pov
I was hella sad. I keep thinking about my dad during class. My mom said we were having a little meeting with dad. Thats just depressing. I can't handle not breaking into emotional breakdowns. I just want to lock myself in a room and cry. Even in class I get teary a little. I stopped when Lily came.
"So Marie,how are you doing?" She asked
"I guess I'm fine,"I lied trying to keep a smile.
"You sure? Because your mom keeps telling me you locked yourself in your room,"
"And wouldn't come to dinner easily,"She continues.
"Just don't worry about it Lily, let's go to science class,"I say attempting to change the topic.

Overall science class was boring. Thankfully,Lily was there to make me laugh.
"Ms.Sparks and Ms.Rose is there something you'd like to tell the class?"She asked.
We nod our heads no.
"Okay,well then,"
"We will call role!"She yells almost scaring the crap out of me.
That was basically science.
Before we left,Ms.Smith told us to go to the MPR at 2:30 were we will have a assembly at. I thought the meeting will just be a normal boring one but I was wrong. After class,I could not be more happy in my whole effing life.We were also told to not bring backpacks.Which is unusual because we usually bring it.Even Lily thought that too.

Lily kept joking around as we walked to the meeting room. Similar to science. I guess she thought I was still sad about the- I don't want to talk about it. But now we are about to open the door. When I reached my hand to grab the doorknob. Bunch of 6th graders came in screaming and 8th graders sitting up the stage. The principal assigned where we sit. Lily sat next to me. After 2 minutes of waiting. The principal said in his brittle French accent "Boys and girls listen up today our 8th graders will perform the best performance! That means we will hear a special song!"
Then this 8th grader named Jordan said "so we will be performing this song called Here We Come!"
When they started the song I fell asleep on Lily's shoulders.

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