Chapter 3. A hot mess

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Maria's pov
There go's the alarm clock. I was feeling so awful today. My drool from the sleep was in my mouth. And my legs felt like it wasn't even there! Well,I guess I have to wake up. So I did. I went to brush my teeth first, because I didn't feel like eating breakfast and going back inside. I grabbed my clothes,which was, my jeans and a wavy lace shirt, I also wore my black leather jacket. I went in the bathroom which is weird, because the lights ware on. But I just decided to ignore it. I grabbed my toothbrush and put the toothpaste on. Suddenly,my gums started feeling numb. Then,Anthony walked in. Laughing at me.
"Haha!" He laughed.
"That felt good!"
"How's the new toothpaste!"He continues.
"What the hell? It's not even April,"
"Welp happy early April fools day! Haha...." He left the room.
"Ugh Anthony does that stupid prank twice a year,"
I try to ignore him, but he and his stupid prank is annoying me so much.

"Good morning mom."I said annoyed.
"Good morning,"
"Hmmm. Did you greet Anthony already?"Mom asked.
"Yeah," I said hoping she didn't hear me.
"I guess.."
"Is something wrong Marie?" Mom asked.
"Nope,"I said popping the p.
"Ok then, come eat,"
I glared at Anthony annoyed and ate breakfast.

After breakfast I went to the bus stop. I felt so nervous, thankfully I saw Lily. She was at the back waving at me. I started walking to her but a random 7th grader pushed me. I ignore it and continue walking to Lily.
"Hey," I say sitting down.
"Hello, " She whispered.
"Are you okay?" She said noticing the girl who pushed me.
"Um yeah,"
"What's wrong Marie?You look sad today,"
"Nope,"I answered.
We finally arrived at Gold Valley MiddleSchool. Our school.

All of the new 8th graders looked at their paper. My home teacher was Ms. Flores. I was in line, I looked to see any old people I knew from last year. I only saw a few. Some people probably left. Ms.Flores opened the door, she said Hi to the class like any regular teachers would do.

There were about 38 students in writing. I'm in accelerated writing. The teacher soon began saying rules and called role.
"Lauren McKnight,"
"Ryan Meez,"
"Cassidy Caffe,"
"Maria Rose,"
"Here!"I say loud.
"Lily Sparks,"
"Here!"I hear Lily say.
She continued saying names.

"Oh my fucking god. He's legit so fucking hot like he is goals.Omg!"I heard while getting lunch food.
When I got my food I began to walk to my table. But,someone's leg extended as I was walking. Causing me to kick them. I then realized. I kicked Laura. The eighth grade queen bee.
"Ugh bitch! Get your ugly ass out of here!"
"I can't be breathing the same air as you for more than 20 seconds!"She yells at me.
She pushed me. Then threw spaghetti all over.
"That outfit was already ruined. Just don't ever dare kick me again." She threatened. I grabbed my stuff.
Meanwhile, everyone laughed. Tears were about to burst out of my eyes. Lily and this blonde girl helped me up.
"Um thanks Lily,"I try wiping food off jeans.
"And you are?"
"Oh hi I'm Jenn, one of Lily's old friends," she smiled.
I attempted to tell the teachers. Most of them didn't care. Ms.Flores helped me though. I wore ugly clothes but, its better then the wet clothes. The day passed by quickly. And pretty soon my 4 classes after lunch were finished.
I am so relieved.

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