You are beautiful

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It was very important to me starting off this book by telling you you are beautiful you were made in god image there is nothing wrong with you you are a queen. Most girls feel like they aren't beautiful because of their size, a physical feature, being abused, bullied, being told that they're ugly and many more reasons. Starting off with a little back ground with myself growing up I had always a chunky little girl and older people would always make me feel uncomfortable, stare at me when I ate, and also had rude things to say. Even a few people in my family would crack jokes and also on school. I would laugh along just to play it off but inside. I was very broken and hurt due to my size. When I was in fifth grade I was one hundred and fifteen pounds I was the age of 10. One day I just went into the bathroom stared at myself in the mirror and just cried and cried. I felt that I was ugly due to what others had instilled in me and made me feel at a young age and even then but then I realized how others feel or think about me shouldn't make me feel any less or bad about myself. For one you have to have confidence in yourself and believe that you are who you are and that you are beautiful even if you have to have daily talks with yourself, look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself that you are beautiful just do what you feel makes you happy to build up your confidence such as cooking, hobbies, writing, singing at the end of the day do what puts a smile on your face. This will most certainly not work over night but having faith in yourself and constantly making positive changes in your life it will gradually come. What others think/say about you does not determine who you are YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL .

You are fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalm 139:14

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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