Chapter 5

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I woke up at 8pm since I fell asleep after I came home from school and confronted my father about my mate and he yelled at me and broke my heart into pieces. Just the thought of not being with Scott had me howling in pain. But my dad had used his Alpha tone on me. Why? I have no clue. I jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I looked t the mirror and saw that my hair looked like a birds nest and my eyes were puffy, red and swollen. I washed my face and brushed my hair and  put it in a messy bun. Although my eyes were still red and puffy I looked slightly better. I was still in my Jean shorts and jasons shirt. I decided to change into a tank top and pajama pants. I was about to head down stairs when my bedroom door burst open to revile an angry Jason. Oh shit, I forgot I had to go help him with patrol. Ughhhh!!!

"YOU DIDN'T COME TO THE BORDERLINE LIKE I ASKED YOU TO I HAD TO PATROL ALONE AND I WATIED FOR YOU FOR HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!" he screamed. I flinched back at his tone. His face softened when he saw me flinch. In werewolf speed he was infront of me. He scanned my face and I felt tears start to wellup in my eyes.

"Hey are you okay, What happened? " he asked in a soft tone. I burst into tears right after that. I just couldn't bear the fact that my dad used his alpha tone on me, I was such a daddy's girl. It was all to much to take in. Jason embraced me into a hug then he carried me to the bed and he sat their and took me on his lap with me crying and snuggling closer to him. He rocked me back and forth and patted my hair in a soothing manner

"Hey, shhh shhh May, it's gonna be okay baby shhh" he cooed softly brushing my hair with his hands. I sobbed harder in my twins arms. This I why I love my brother although he can be annoying and bitchy he's always there for me, and I'm greatfull for that. Finally I sobered up and stopped crying. I looked up at my brother then I looked down at his shirt which is now half wet with my tears. "I'm sorry" I said referring to his tear streaked shirt. He smiled at me and said it's okay. I slowly got up from his arms while he said "Its okay baby girl". Baby girl is my brothers nick name for me. He took his shirt off and tossed it on my bedroom floor.

"Wann tell me what that was about?" he asked while concern was laced around his voice.

"my mate-" I started to say but I was cut off by jasons loud growl

"WHAT???! who is he why did he do to you? Did he reject you I'm gonna kill him? Is he from this pack? If so god help me I will kick him out of the pack if he Hurt you!!!!!" he yelled growling his eyes were pitch black and I felt his wolf trying to surface. Ever since that incident when I was twelve Jason and dad and pretty much everyone in the pack who knew about what happened was so over protective of me although it happened three years ago, they are still so protective over me.

"Calm down jace my mate didn't do anything it was dad" I said trying so hard not to cry.

"What? Dad? What did dad do? He would never hurt you" jason said.

"I know just sit down and I'll explain to you what happened" I told him motioning to the bed.

"Okay so I meet my mate today at school and when I came home I decided to tell dad first so he can call a pack meeting. So I went up to his office and told him I found my mate at first he was happy an he was even crying. Everything was perfect until he asked me what my mates name is. I told him his name and then dad went ape he started yelling at me with his alpha tone telling me not to talk or look at my mate and If I disobey him he will put me on lock down and he will punish me" I told him as my lower lip started to tremble.

Jason looked at me confused then he said "What was his name?"

"Alpha Scott Tristan" I answered. In a flash Jason stood up and started shaking his eyes gone pitch black I cowered back in fear while he screamed "NO IT CAN'T BE NOT HIM ARRHGGHHGG NOOOOOOOO!!!!" just then he shifted and howled lowedly causing the floor beneath me to shake slightly the he jumped through my window shattering the glass in the process. Oh no what now? First my dad then my brother. I herd foot steeps run up the stairs of the pack house which is where I live with my family and my dads bets and his family. Megan is my brothers betas sister but now she moved in with her mate. My rooms' door opened to a worried mother and father and beta frank and my brothers beta which is beta franks son. My mom and dad ran up to me and asked what happened my father reached for me but I flinched back from him. I stared at him with cold eyes. His face fell and his eyes filled with sadness, regret and sorrow. I felt kind of bad but I was still angry

"What happened??"my mother asked inturupting my train of thought.

"Jason lost conrol of his wolf" I said and walked away to my ensuit bathroom and slammed the door shut an locked it. What is happening, first it's dad then it's Jason I don't understand. I sunk onto the bathroom floor and sobbed. Urgghhh! The realization dawned on me. Not only my dad doesnt approve of my mate but also Jason my twin brother. Something is wrong and I intend to find out one way or another.




xoxoxoxoxo love you


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