Chapter 1. Sam

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"Get your fat ass out of that skinny ass bed and get your damn self ready for another shitty day!"

Ah, my alarm clock set by my wonderful friend. Maisie, creature of God...? More like creature. I love my best friend but sometimes she drive me insane with all her craziness.

I get up and turn off the alarm lock which was looping. I stretch my arms and and legs before going into my bathroom, like in the movies? No way, I'm not that graceful, i'm more like a pig waking up the morning than the average girl.

After brushing my teeth, I put my long hair in a messy ponytail and leave the bathroom to get dressed into my running gear. Everyday I wake up to go jogging, but on the weekends I go at 9am rather than 6am, but since today is Sunday, I'm feeling lazy so I go at 10am. 

I go downstairs and grab my water bottle which was in the fridge. Strapping my iPod to the armband running case, I then set out jog. 

I begin to jog, but instead of going through my normal route, I decide to explore a new one. I'm just feeling adventurous today. Which happens, erm, never! This must be a miracle!

As I work up a pace, i see a large move-in truck driving and going towards my neighborhood. That's strange, we haven't had a new neighbor in the suburbs in over a year and a half. Hm, this is going to cause some gossip everywhere. The ladies in this area LOVE new news. Especially some thing like this. 

A few later, I see a black SUV driving at what appears to heading the same direction as the other truck that was going. Inside the SUV there was a woman who looked like she was in her mid-forties, driving the car looking quite frustrated. Next to her was a man roughly the same age, if not older,  who seemed to be yelling at the woman driving who appeared to be his wife. When I look at who in the back seat, I see a teenage guy, who looked frustrated also, he was listening to his earphones and he was looking out the window.

I suddenly notices how his head quickly turned when he saw me jog past. I see him re-position himself and how his eyes widened. What the hell? Maybe it's because I'm wearing a tank top and shorts.

Great. A pervert is moving into this area.


I finally arrive back to my porch. God. That route was longer than I thought. I'm sweating buckets and I swear I have the biggest back sweat patch there ever ceased to exist. I need a shower and I need it now.

Just as I was about to open my door, I hear the sound of a door truck open. " Sam... SAM! Grab your stupid CD collection box! I need to get more important stuff but this... thing is blocking the way!"

I turn to look at who was shouting. It was that woman that was driving the SUV. I guess she's my new neighbor. " Whatever, I'm coming!" I hear the sound of someones deep and husky voice. When I see the owner of voice.

Oh, it's that impeccable hormonal pervert.

He enters the truck and picks up his box of CD's. As he begins to get off the truck, when he spots me. After blatantly checking me out, he winks at me along with a cheeky smirk. I roll my eyes and open the door to enter. Eurgh, what a dick. I hate getting any sort of attention from men.

I run upstairs and into my bedroom. I place my iPod charging and quickly go and turn on my shower. When I go back to my room, I start to undress myself. After taking off my tank top, revealing my sports bra, I feel a stare burn my back. I turn around to find that god awful pervert names Sam. I yelp.

"What the hell?!"

"Me looking out my window into yours shouldn't stop you from undressing, Ducky." Sam smirks, trying hard not to laugh.

"Urgh perv!" I stomp over to my window and close the curtains.



First Chapter! Woop woop! 

I promise you there will A LOT more than this. This is just the starter so It's calm and simple but the drama will spill and when it does you won't know what hit you ;)






So I can tell whether you like it or not.

My next chapter is about quadruple this so sorry about it being so short. The next one will be 4 times as big so get excited!!

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