Chapter 4. Answer Is 27 Dumbass

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All throughout history class, Sam was stuck with Lizzie. She kept spitting at him, and laughing like a hyena and trying her hardest to cuddle with Sam. Just seeing him stressed and angry made me want to burst out laughing and never stop.

Meanwhile, I was sat next to a sexy Mexican. Aka, Chase Valentino. We giggled and laugh and flirted and physically interacted in a teasing manner. I was trying my hardest to make Sam seem somewhat pissed that I was 'acting like a bitch'. I'm sorry... I'm not sorry. He had called me bitch which I was not. So I thought, you think i'm a bitch? Okay, you'll see a bitch.

All in all, I had made Sam furious.

After history I made my way to the library as I had a free lesson so I make use of my time by studying. I walk from the 4th floor to the 2nd where the library was situated. Along with 30 other people, we had no lessons therefore library was mostly empty.

I walk through the library doors and greet Miss Major, the librarian. She was near the politics section sorting out the books that had been misplaced. Miss Major had an OCD in which I was the only one that had spotted this. She has to place everything in some order, in some category. I guess being the librarian suits her well.

Making my way to my usual spot near the back of the library, I settle my binder and textbook down that I had been carrying, then I finally sit down. Taking my pencil case out and planner. I open it to todays date when I find a post-it note, it said:

Ducky is a bitch.

Well, I wonder who that could've been written by. That son-of-a-bitch, when did he manage to put that in my planner? Sly Sam, that cunning bastard. Too many swears?

Whilst I was sat at my seat mumbling at his note and trying to find my maths homework, I hear the door creak out open and the sounds of heavy footsteps coming through. If it's that heavy its must be our principle Mr Davall. He has a habit of visiting the library regularly. In my  opinion he has a thing for Miss. Major. Shes 30 and has good looks.

I hear his footsteps get closer and closer so I straightened my back and tidy my station as I know he hates unorganised students. Mr. Davall believed in strict rules and was still stuck in the 1900 and strongly thought students should come to school to learn and only learn. He had tried to get us to wear uniforms but no one including parents and staff agreed, he was pissed for about 4 months. Those were the worst 4 months of my life because our lunch was cut shorter by 20 minutes and he doubled the homework. I'm one of the lucky ones because Mr. Davall actually likes me because I am a straight A student so I am valuable to the school and it's results.

As the masuline figure parks himself in front of me on the opposite side of the desk and stood there, I felt his stare burn me. I resist the urge to look at my principle and begin to work on my maths. 

I begin on the first question and after 10 seconds, I realised I have no idea what I was doing. I also realized that Mr. Davall was still above. 

Why is he staring at me?

I start to chew my pen ( disgusting I know, I can't help it!), beginning to feel nervous and frustrated, I hear a deep and husky snigger.

Snigger? Since when does Mr. Davall snigger? This can't be right.

Keep your head down! I thought to myself. I don't want to risk eye contact.

"The answer is 27 dumbass." I look up to the owner of the voice to find Sam standing there with hands in his front pockets and he's looking at me with a serious expression, almost as if he's angry at me. But why is he - Oh wait... 

"I knew that." I quickly try to recover myself from staring up at him. I feel my palms begin to bring up a sweat as I carry on with my work.

As I turn to the next page, I hear Sam scrape the chair on the wooden floor making a loud, irritating sound that screeched into my ear. I quickly cover my ears making a horrendous facial expression alongside. "Oh my god Sam! Don't do that!" I whisper as loud as I could because I didn't want the librarian to get mad and eventually kick me out.

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