The Avengers

218 6 4

Tony's POV

I woke up with a pounding headache in my S.H.I.E.L.D room.

I sit up trying to recall what happened and suddenly it all hits me. 

I groan inwards before standing and making my way towards the conference room.

I walk in seeing Banner standing surveying the room and nods when I walk in, Rodgers holding an icepack to his head, Clint was just sitting there although  he plenty of banages on and Fury was pacing back and foward.

'Wheres Widow the one that didnt want to interfer?' i say annoyed.

They all gave me a look.

'What?' I ask

'When thor knocked us down Widow jumped bewteen us fought him for five full minutes before he hit her so hard she went flying into the nearest building She's been in the emerency ward for 12 hours' Clint says harshly.

'Oh' I say sitting down 

'So whats are next move?' Steve asks

'We'll try find this camp its somewhere around Long Island' Fury starts 'Tony and Bruce its your job to track it, lets go people' Fury says sternly


Hey guys writers block please comment some suggestions

Percy Jackson and The avengers.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon