#21: being good has benefits

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"So, what you're saying is that both of you are useless fucks?" Michael said clearly, his eyes pinned on Luke and I after we finished explaining that we didn't actually get any answers from Katherine.

"I reclaim my previous statement." Luke sighed. "Katherine can avoid anything she puts her mind to."

"That's because you two are easily guilt-tripped. If you didn't have a heart like Michael, then we wouldn't be in this mess." Calum interjected with his usual amount of sass.

"Yeah, what he said." Michael nodded before pausing. "Wait, excuse me?"

I rolled my eyes but didn't bother replying to either of them. They were right in a sense. Luke and I were too easily guilt-tripped by Katherine because both of us had done her wrong. That didn't excuse her actions in the slightest, and she would still get no pity from me.

"Where's Ashton?" Luke asked, glancing over his shoulder. The bell, signalling the end of school, had rung about 10 minutes ago.

"I don't know." Calum shrugged. "Probably drinking away his sorrows."

"He's going to become an alcoholic in this state." I gritted my teeth, hating Katherine just a little bit more. She accused me of playing the victim, but she should really self-evaluate.

"Can't we just, like, take him to a gay club or something?" Michael suggested, leaning against the lockers casually as if going to a gay club was something he did every weekend.

"How's that going to help him?" Luke threw his arm around my shoulder.

"It's going to get him laid." A torn voice replied from behind us. I didn't have to turn around to link the voice to Ashton.

The group fell quiet for a moment as Ashton finally stepped into the circle. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a tousled mess. I wanted to hug him but neither of us really liked hugs.

"I just want to be the first person to be supportive and say I will definitely go to a gay club with you." Michael put his hand over his heart as a mock oath.

"Are you sure you're not secretly gay?" I pressed, swallowing a laugh before glancing at Michael. "I'll come if you think this will help."

"Guys," Ashton sighed, "I wasn't being serious." He paused for a moment then cocked his head to the side. "Although it has been awhile since I went to a club."

"I'll get my leather pants ready." Calum didn't even sound like he was joking. Did he really own a pair of pants? Were they leather?

"I would pay to see that." Luke said without hesitation. I raised my eyebrow delicately.

"That settles it." Michael clapped his hand. "We're going clubbing tonight, Calum will wear his leather pants and Luke will pay him $50. Everyone happy?"

teach me to be innocent, l.hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now