#18: time can heal all wounds

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"That chilli dog was okay but I probably shouldn't have gone the nachos as well..." Michael trailed off slowly, his gaze slipping behind me.

Michael noticed someone sitting on the stairs leading to his house before I did. It wasn't until I shut the door and turned around did I understand why Michael had stopped midsentence.

Oh, I took a sharp breath when I finally noticed the hooded figure.

"Luke..." There was an underlying warning in Michael's tone. I carefully walked up the stairs, my eyes pinned on the leather jacket clad boy in front of me.

"I thought maybe you dropped her home. I didn't know she'd be here." Luke sounded perfectly calm as he stood up from the steps. "I just wanted to see my best friend." He swallowed and looked down at me as I finally fell into step with Michael. "I'll leave now."

"Wait!" I stumbled over my shoes as I reached out and grabbed Luke's wrist. Both boys seemed surprised to see me address him, let alone touch him. I carefully pulled my hand back and tried to ignore Luke's curious eyes. "I... you can stay."

"What?" Luke scrunched up his nose. "Ari, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

I knew Luke was sorry, and I knew he felt bad for hurting my feelings but I did overreact. I realised something back at the fish shop and the restaurant – Luke and I hadn't been dating. He hadn't broken up with me.

"When was the last time you had sex with Katherine?" I managed to spit out before I lost my courage. This probably sounded random and stupid but it was pivotal to what I was going to do next.

Luke looked just as confused as Michael. I could tell he was trying to pick his next words carefully. "About... about a week before I approached you in English. She told me that we had to end whatever fling we had because I was just too much of a dick for her."

"I figured as much." I nodded slowly, secretly relieved. Luke hadn't been sleeping with Katherine when he talked, flirted or kissed me. He hadn't been truthful with me but he hadn't done something unforgivable.

"I'm going to go inside." Michael shifted his weight. "Come in when you're done." I'm not sure who he was talking to – I think he hoped he was addressing both of us. I watched as Michael shut the door behind him. Luke shoved his hands into his pockets and looked at me shyly.

"Ari," Luke seemed unsure if he could talk freely around me so I just gave him a small nod and he 

continued. "Katherine was telling the truth about why I asked you to help me. I thought maybe if her best friend could give me a few tips then she'd want me back... but the more I got to know you the less I cared about Katherine. I found myself wanting to do good things for you. I liked when your eyes lit up when I said something you approved of, or when you smiled like you were proud of my actions."

"Luke..." I didn't know what to say but he kept talking anyway.

teach me to be innocent, l.hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now