And so the Angel descended upon them...

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Nico still had no idea how he managed to convince him. And yet here he was, right next to him.

"Will." He whisper shouted. "What the Hades are you doing! Get down!" They were supposed to be keeping a low profile. This was a heist, after all. Will ducked back down behind the petit wall that was acting as a shield between them and the assorted pedestrians below.

"I can't believe you talked me into this!" he cried. Apparently that made two of them.

Nico sighed, "You know we need money! Besides, I've done this a thousand times. That's why I'm doing all the hard work."

To which Will responded. "Are you kidding me? Keeping you from falling may be the hardest thing I've ever experienced." Despite the fact that Will had basically just called the small brunette fat, Nico reached up and kissed him directly on the lips.

Nico's lips twitched as he fought a smile and said, "You've been doing that for quite a while now." Will said nothing in return, though a grin spread across his face. He turned aside to peer over the ledge and . "Anything weird going on?" Asked Nico.

"No." Will relayed, his serious composure returning.

"Let's just do this then." Will and Nico started towards the large skylights above the Museum, moving undoubtedly as a team. As they got to the edge, Will used his light bending skills to blind the security cameras. Nico had already scouted the building, so he knew exactly where the security panels were. He got to work, pulling a metal square off the large box directly next to the maintenance stairs. Nico counted down, one hand on a pair of shears. He was about to clip the green wire, when he thought of all the stupid spy movies Jason had shown him. But his hesitation ceased to last. Fuck it. He thought, and snipped the damn thing.

"GO!" Will shouted. He and Nico both knew that within two minutes the emergency security would turn on, exposing them as criminals. That was also the reason Nico was wearing an ugly harness over his skinny jeans.

Thanks to Will, one of the skylights had been lifted, so Nico had plenty of space as he sprinted over to it and jumped straight into the massive room that made up the Aztec exhibit. It would have been more fun to steal from the Greek section, but the wrath of the gods was not something they wanted to experience, especially if they ended up getting this right. Nico could feel Will's strong hands on the cables, ensuring he didn't plummet to the floor. As he descended, he focused on his task ahead. The glittering gold mask gleamed despite the fact that the lights were off. Nico assumed it was due to the thick panes of glass surrounding the thing. Pressure plate, weighted 24 pounds, trigger a range of 8. Nico hovered above it now, safely removing the box of glass encasing his treasure. Next comes the hard part. He pulled out a large chunk of lead - at least twice as big as the mask, and carefully began to slip it on the pedestal.

"One minute!" shouted Will. And Nico barely had enough time to think; Crap. before one of the wires that kept him safe snapped in two.

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