Chapter Three

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Amy's POV:

She's here... she's home!! Finally she's safe at home!! My mind is filled with so much joy that I almost forget about the burn in my throat. I almost do, but when Becca's friends start arriving, the scent of their blood and their pounding hearts make my head spin with the need to feed. The music starts; loud and thumping and it would cover up any screams from the victims.
"No!!" I snarl pushing passed the crowds and heading for my room. I barricade the door and cover my ears trying to block out the noise and the lure of their blood.

When I've gathered enough sense to control my thirst I decide to go see Sebastian. He always knows what to do about the cravings, besides that Becca is home!!
"That'll be my reason for visiting him!" I grin grabbing my coat and jumping out the window. Internally I roll my eyes refusing to admit that I want to see him because I genuinely feel something pulling him to me and me to him. It's over and above the fact that he saved, over and above the fact that it's his blood that made me a fledgling. It's something else... something deeper; it draws me to him, like he's the flame to my moth or the sun to my Icarus.
"No!" I snarl again and shake my head to put away such thoughts. "I'm going to see him because I'm hungry and Becca's home!" I declare harshly needing to keep my heart away from this vampire as much as I possibly can despite how intriguing I find him and how desperately I desire him.

When I get to Sebastian's mansion, I fight for control over the butterflies that take flight in my belly and my heart which speeds up at the thought of seeing him. Slowly I move to knock and I'm not surprised when Will answers the door.
"Lady Amy... a pleasure as always to see you!" says the older vampire.
"William!" I grin easily allowing him to pull off my coat and hang it up. "How have you been?"
"Well Mi'lady... and how are you?"
"I'm good thank you!" I grin and follow him to Sebastian's study. "How is he?"
"Expecting you as always, Mi'lady!" Will says teasingly. I blush and shake my head.
"Shut up!!" I growl playfully and then quieten down as we approach his door.

My heart starts thumping and my stomach is in knots. My senses heighten and I hear him talking to someone. It makes me freeze,
"He has another visitor?"
"His last meeting-"
"It's alright I can wait until-" I cut in, but then I am cut off.
"Amy..." Sebastian's voice comes through the door and it opens by itself. I look up to see him staring at me intently from behind his desk. I cannot take my eyes off him. He's so beautiful - so perfect, it's almost painful.
"That will be all Damien..." he says and the man seated opposite him stands and bows before heading out the door.
"In you go Amy..." Will says softly and nudges me gently into the room before he shuts the door behind me.

"Amy..." the affection in his voice is endearing as he stands up and starts moving towards me. I can't help it I start to tremble and feel my body buzzing. His scent is intoxicating, heady and heavenly, my gaze drops to his lips and I feel saliva pool in my mouth as my teeth begin to ache in hunger.
"Come here Baby!" he whispers and immediately I'm moving towards him. His hands wrap around me and warmth envelopes me instantly.
"You're hungry Sweetheart..." he states softly kissing my forehead and then leading me to the couch in the corner. He pulls me down onto his lap and then rolls up his sleeves and I feel all the muscles south of my belly clench deliciously.

Sebastian touches my chin, running his thumb across my bottom lip, which makes me instinctively lick his finger and then I take his hand in mine and kiss his palm. Smiling up at him from under my eyelashes before allowing my gaze to drop to his neck. He turns him head offering it to me.
"Go ahead..." he whispers wrapping his arm around me and holding me to him when I wriggle closer. I lean forward and kiss his cheek hearing the soft rumble that turns into a moan when my teeth latch onto his neck. My fangs cut into his skin matching perfectly onto the first mark I left on him. His hands stroke my back as I feed from him and then when I feel like I've had enough I lick the wound sealed and kiss his neck.
"Thank you..." I whisper nuzzling into his chest. My eyes are heavy and the burn in my throat sated. I close my eyes and sigh happily. "My little sister is home..."
"That's terrific, when did she get there?"
"This afternoon... Bassy, they put her on house arrest..." I yawn and whine quietly.
"At least she's home Sweetheart... you rest now..."
"Okay, don't go... stay with me..." I mumble already half asleep, not caring that I'm letting him see that I'm falling for him.
"Always Baby!" he whispers into my ear and I feel his lips press against my forehead as darkness takes me into a peaceful oblivion.

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