Chapter Seven

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Amy's POV:

Barton and Charlotte were beginning to tie up all the loose ends when suddenly my heightened senses picked up the approaching ambush.
"Bassy!" I warn him in alarm as we both turn in the direction of the intrusion. It's an army all blood crazed and ready for a fight. Bassy growls at them in warning.
"Back off!" the one vampire hisses back. "We don't follow you anymore, our leader is Lyle and he will be king!" he snarls at Bassy and I hiss feeling my fangs lengthen and my eyes shift to crimson at the very thought of them touching my mate.

"Amy, protect them!" Bassy says and I nod, knowing Will is already in position to attack and protect him. Bassy moves forward just as the last of the sun starts to fade away.
"Stay behind me!" I growl to Barton and Charlotte. One of the vampires lunge for us, but Bassy blurs and suddenly there's a gaping hole in the vampire's chest.
"Who's next to try attacking my mate? Heads are rolling tonight!" he declares with lethal certainty and the vampires bristle and go wild as the heart of the first vampire Bassy ripped into hits the ground.

They swamp him, overwhelming him by their sheer numbers. They surround him completely, but Sebastian is strong and he has fought in more battles than these vampires have lived years. He knows all their moves and with Will beside him picking off any stupid enough to pass by, they are unstoppable.
"Shouldn't we be helping them?" Barton protests.
"This is a vampire affair... Humans don't need to be involved!" I reply and keep my eyes on the fight.

Suddenly Charlotte tugs my hand, so I turn to her.
"Amy, I can help.... I know a spell that can neutralize all the rabid ones!" I look around and then turn back to her.
"Hurt Sebastian and I will kill you myself! Do it!" I command and then turn back to the fight. She starts muttering in Latin and the air around us stirs.
"Barton," I call him and he turns to me, "I need you to protect Charlotte... this spell is going to weaken her and she's going to be unable to defend herself!"
"I will!"
"I need your word!" I growl at the vampire rushing towards me. He'd somehow gotten pass Bassy and Will and I was more than happy to show him that dying at their hands would have been mercy.
"You have my word!"
"Good!" I growl and lunge forward, using my new speed and strength to rake my claws into the vampire's throat and clasp his spine and an almost sadistic joy fills me when I feel the bones crush beneath my fingers and his head falls off. I blur and move back to stand guard between Barton, Charlotte and the warring vampires.

The next two hesitate before they attack me, but just as they get close enough Charlotte's spell kicks in and they all crumble to the ground, only that wasn't the end. Charlotte faints just as someone collides with me, pinning me down and I snarl, thrashing wildly when I feel Lyle's hand clasp around my throat.

Sebastian's POV:

Argo collides with me and gets in a lucky shot; jumping backwards we circle each other until I feel Amy's rage and desperation. My eyes flick to her and I see Lyle on top of her. Argo sneers;
"She's so pathetic just like the first time... she couldn't even push me off... such a weakling!"
"What?!" I snarl, my eyes blackening further at the bastard's words.
"That's right, you heard me! I'm the one who sliced her up and left her to die! I couldn't finish the job because that worthless scum Max arrived and attacked me!" He lunges at me, "But don't worry Lyle will finish the job this time!" I feel her fear and then see a blur of black shoot across the park, heading straight for Argo and I know exactly who it is.

I focus on Argo and as if he were a door or any object I use my telekinesis and send him flying backwards in the direction of Max's fury. I launch myself at Amy to rescue her, but even I can't help but pause to wince and feel immensely proud when she gets her knee in and hits Lyle hard in his weak spot. He releases her and I grab him and rip him away from her. He recovers quickly and turns on me. He is just as skilled a fighter as I am, but he has no gift to save himself from mine. I focus hard on it as if it were my hand around his heart and start to pull. Lyle chokes releasing me and clutching his chest. I growl and focus harder when I think about all the pain and hurt he's caused my mate. There's a jolt and suddenly there's a blood gushing hole in his chest. I gasp and shake my head to clear it looking up to see Max send Argo sailing into a tree in Amy's direction.

Amy's POV:

Argo emerges from the other end of the park and I lunge for him, getting my arm around his neck and twisting it with all my strength. When his body goes limp I do the only thing I know to be certain he is dead. I look up at Sebastian;
"Care to do the honours Mate?" I ask him and he blurs and then there's a harsh tug and Argo's body slips from my arms as his head drops down a few feet away. Sebastian steps towards me when suddenly we hear a howling roar of protest from a Familiar. I gasp in horror, having never seen such a wretched looking creature before.

Max's POV:

"Nakar?!" I snarl and start towards him. Argo's Familiar is blinded by the rage of losing his sire, but that doesn't make him any weaker. He's still far stronger than me and I don't see the stake until it's already embedded in my stomach. I gasp and step back and then grin when I see William get his hands around Nakar's neck. The Familiar's roar is cut short and the world spins as I stumble to the floor.

The stake is yanked out of my body and I hear Will shout at me to stay awake. I hear Sebastian cursing and then I hear the words that send me into black oblivion.
"It's soaked in Wolf's venom..."
It's not so bad, this peaceful darkness, but there's a face that nags me, her persistent voice. Every day since she found me in the asylum, her face haunts me, her voice calls me. She is my mate, yet I have not accepted her, it was too dangerous to accept her, now I will lose her before I even got the chance to love her...
"I'm so sorry... Becca!"

Amy's POV:

Will and Sebastian hovered over Max's body and I felt something strange come over me. I looked around and saw the bodies lying around us, Will had seen to all the ones Charlotte's spell knocked out. There was so much death, so much pain, so much chaos. Then there was Max, the man who was blamed for attacking me, the man who lost everything for trying to save me.

My eyes moved to Sebastian and I saw the pain in his face, I heard the sincere apology in his voice. I felt his pain and felt his hurt through our bond. There was his little brother, a stranger who was closer to him than his own brother, the stranger he took in as his own and loved as his own, then the one who he was forced to hate for the wrongs done to me and now the truth was out and again there was a body, blood everywhere and hurt and pain. Only... between Max and me the roles were reversed and he was already dead.

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