Chapter Six

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Amy's POV:

My body feels thoroughly tender, in a way that makes all my butterflies swoon and I sigh in sated pleasure. Snuggling closer to my mate, I feel his pleasure at my action through our link.
"Good morning my Little Love!" Sebastian's voice sounds in my head. My heart jumps and my belly clenches at the sound.
"Good morning..." I whisper back to him sweetly. His sharp intake of breath and the desire that floods our link are my indicators that he feels the exact way that I feel.

While Bassy is in the shower, I dress in the new clothes he's had William deliver. It's a perfect pale lavender dress and high heels that suits my new form. I sit down at the dresser and open out my hair letting it fall loosely into lazy ringlets down my shoulders. When Sebastian returns, I can't help, but admire him in the mirror. The sight of my mark on his neck makes mine tingle and he growls in my mind.
"Oh Mate... shall we just go back to bed?"
"As tempting as that is..." I purr back to him. "I have something we need to talk about..." I whisper aloud, looking down at my hands on my lap. Guilt and a strange kind of worry fills me at the thought of what I have to tell him. Sebastian suddenly appears at my side and tips my chin so I'm looking up at him.
"You're mine now... no matter what! I'm never going to let you go!" he kisses my lips tenderly and I feel his emotions and his fear. He doesn't want to lose me - it warms my heart and I feel my emotions shift to mirror his.

He leads me down to the study and I look over at the couch. Immediately taking the hint, he moves to sit there and pulls me down onto his lap. I swing around so I'm straddling him, facing him while talking seems like a much more honest way to do this. I take a deep breath and start from the beginning;
"When Becca came home and Collette put her under house arrest two other cops came with; Detective Barton and his partner Charlotte..." I call up their images in my head so he can see them.
"Charlotte was the witch who was putting the protection spell over the house with you still inside?!" he growls and his thoughts shift towards declaring war against the witches which makes me flinch and I quickly try to calm him.
"She didn't know..."
"Why did you do that?"
"I couldn't betray you... and they were going to send Becca back to the asylum if I didn't get them what they wanted to know..." I whisper, tears starting to cloud my vision.
"Tell me everything!" he commands and I nod, taking a deep breath I continue the story.
"Barton and Charlotte wanted to know about the kidnapped girls and the slave traders coming in and out of here. They wanted Becca to go undercover and join your cartel to find out what's been happening. When Becca refused Barton threatened to throw her back in the Asylum - so I volunteered," Sebastian is quiet while I replay the memory in my head for him to see. When he finally speaks it's simply to say, "Go on."
"Well then I guess they left after promising to clear Becca's record, if I found what they wanted. I didn't know trouble was going to come find me... I worked late that night because Caroline was short staffed and needed waiters at the café. Alex and I split at the end of Café Street and when I realized someone was following me I decided to come here instead of go home. I was scared, but it didn't help. Argo attacked me and when I woke up Lyle and Argo were all there and so were you. When I got home Charlotte was waiting for me," I took another deep breath gathering my courage before continuing.

I replayed everything that was said between Charlotte and me for him, leaving nothing out speaking right up until the point where I had passed out from the pain and blood loss. With tears streaming down my face I buried my head into his chest.
"I couldn't - I won't betray you! I couldn't give you up and I couldn't let Becca go back to that place..." I broke down into heart-wrenching sobs. "I don't care if you're involved with Lyle's crap or not, I just can't lose you!" I clutched his shirt sobbing harder.

Sebastian soothed me, stroking my back and kissing me until my tears stopped.
"Alright Baby... It's okay... now listen to me..." he whispered, cupping my face and making me look up at him. "The only reason I was in Lyle's house was because I wanted him to find Max and bring him to me!"
"Max? But isn't Max also the guy Becca likes?"
"Maybe they're different people-"
"Bassy I've also been meaning to tell you... in the alley when Argo attacked me... his voice in the dark... those was the same..." I shudder recalling the two occasions when I had been called 'Robin' and told I would 'look good in a cage'.
"Same as what?" Sebastian frowns looking at me intently obviously not differentiating between the two attacks from my thoughts.
"The same as the man who attacked me two months ago..."
"That's not possible... Will said he saw Max hovering over your body when he got there!"
"Either way... I just thought I should tell you!" I whisper tucking my head into the crook of his neck, seeking comfort.
"Alright... I'll find out from Will..." he whispers leaning forward and kissing my bare shoulder. "For now all we know is that Lyle and Argo were the bad guys and they got what they deserved!" he growls darkly, suddenly holding me tightly the image of me in chains flashes through his mind and I'm horrified - I looked dreadful, no wonder he and Will lost it that night!

We both agree that since we have nothing to hide we should call Barton and Charlotte and tell them everything. I'm more than eager to do that because I know Bassy will do everything in his power to keep Becca and my mum safe. So I call the precinct and ask to speak to Charlotte. When she comes onto the phone I tell her to meet me at the old Yellow-Woodland Park. I don't want to freak them out nor do I want them poking their noses any further in my mate's business.
"Ohhh.... feisty Baby... I like it!" Bassy purrs into my mind. I growl back to him in annoyance and confirm the meeting time with her for 18:30 giving both of us enough time to get ready.

Bassy decides to inform William about everything that's going on, so I sit quietly tucked into couch at his side adding little details here and there.
"I promise to look into your attack Mi'lady!" Will declares and by then it's time to head to the park to meet the two officers.
"You're nervous my Love?"
"A little..." I admit as we get into the car. It's just the three of us, but I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen!
"Everything is going to be alright now!" Bassy whispers into my ear. "You're a vampire now! You're much stronger than you were!"
"And I have you!" I declare smiling shyly up at him.
"Yes Baby... and you have me always!" he says kissing my forehead.

I sat watching the sunset and waiting for Charlotte and Barton to arrive. Bassy and Will were waiting for me at the car. I convinced them to let me speak to Charlotte and Barton first, but the very idea made me nervous. I could feel the tension in the air the second they arrived.
"Amy?" Charlotte's voice sounds from behind me. I turn and see the shock on both their faces. Charlotte is the first to speak;
"You've changed?!"
"I died..." I respond flatly and then take a deep breath to calm down, but my heightened senses are difficult to control and I'm afraid of something, something bad is coming and I don't know what it is. Suddenly I feel him at my side and in my head even before his arms wrap around me to offer me comfort and peace.
"I'm right here for you my Love!" he declares and I look up at him adoringly before drawing strength and continuing with the task laid before me.

Barton recovers by the time I turn back to them.
"You betrayed us!" Barton hollered and I flinch, my ears still sensitive to loud noises.
"Calm down Human and show some respect to my mate!" Sebastian snarls, his voice low and sends shivers of pleasure down my spine. Charlotte and Barton's eyes go wide and both looked stumped into silence. I shake my head and speak up, telling them everything about Lyle and Argo and that Max escaping is the reason Sebastian was there to save me.
"Max was like my younger brother until he attacked Amy and by our law his life is mine to take... I will find him and I will kill him for hurting Amy!" Sebastian growls pulling me tightly into a hug. I relax against him, reassuring him that I'm alright and that we are together. It soothes him and he calms down enough to let me turn back to the two officers.

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